1.1. (amended on 31.01.2023) These General Terms and Conditions hereby set out the terms and conditions for entering into Contract for Tuition of STUDENTS in St. George International School (hereinafter referred to as the “SCHOOL”), educated from I Grade until XII Grade including. They stipulate the relations between the SCHOOL and the STUDENTS’ PARENTS/ GUARDIANS during the STUNDENT’S regulated school time.
1.2. The contract with the SCHOOL may be signed after application and procedure for admission and enrollment of the STUDENT in the SCHOOL pursuant to the adopted rules and fully paid Admission Fee.
1.2.1 No Tuition Contract with the SCHOOL can be entered into for a STUDENT who has not been subject to admission and enrollment procedure;
1.2.2. The admission procedure is also carried out in the following cases: The STUDENT applies to the SCHOOL for the first time; (amended on 15.12.2023) In all cases, if the STUDENT has not been enrolled or has not attended the SCHOOL for more than 4 /four/ calendar months or in other cases at the discretion of the SCHOOL Management; The contract has been terminated by wish or by fault of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, including due to full or partial failure to pay or delay of payment of any fee or failure on part of the PARENTS/GUADIANS, authorized person by them or by the STUDENT to adhere to policies and procedures of the SCHOOL.
1.2.3. A supervision procedure on the academic performance, including behaviour and adaptation of the STUDENT is carried out in the following cases: (amended on 31.01.2023) In case of transition of a STUDENT from IV to V grade, from VII to VIII grade: the results of the learning process in line with the STUDENT's curriculum, the adaptability skills, behaviour and potential for handling the curriculum in the next stage of education are examined. (amended on 15.12.2023) In case of transition of a STUDENT enrolled in X grade to XI grade: the results of the learning process in line with the STUDENT’s curriculum, including the IGCSE results and/or other internationally recognised curricula/courses, as well as the possession of skills for independent learning, for setting out and achieving goals are examined. In order to include the STUDENT in an A-level course and/or other internationally recognised curricula/courses in a specific subject, the STUDENT is expected to have a B as a minimum grade in the IGCSE exam and/or equivalent grade in other suitable internationally recognised curricula/courses in the relevant subject. In case such is not achieved and/or other results of the supervision are not satisfactory and sufficient, the SCHOOL reserves the right not to include the STUDENT in an A-level course and/or other suitable internationally recognised curricula/courses. If applicable, the SCHOOL may offer the STUDENT tuition and/or consultations and examinations, according to the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Bulgaria in a daily or individual form of education. The PARENTS/GUARDIANS of a STUDENT, who transfers from X into XI grade, and is further proposed a A-level course and/or other applicable internationally recognized curricula/courses in a specific subject by the SCHOOL, as well as of a STUDENT who already studies in XI or XII grade and is included in A-level course and/or other applicable internationally recognized curricula/course in a specific subject may request a change of the tuition contract so that the STUDENT continues his education only according to the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Bulgaria, after paying an additional fee for the amended conditions in the amount, defined in the Tariff for additional services of St. George International School and Preschool and after an explicit consent of the SCHOOL in writing hereto. The fee linked to the preceding sentence is a one-off payment and is not subject to reimbursement, including preliminary termination of the tuition contract. In case of transition to XII grade of a current STUDENT who is enrolled in XI grade and already included in A-level course and/or other suitable internationally recognised curricula/courses: the results of the learning process in line with the STUDENT's curriculum, including the AS-Level exam and/or other suitable internationally recognised curricula/courses, as well as the possession of skills for independent learning, for setting out and achieving goals are examined. In case the performance results are not satisfactory and sufficient, the SCHOOL reserves the right not to include the STUDENT in the second year of the A-level course and/or other suitable internationally recognised curricula/courses.
1.2.4. No admission fee is paid in any case, covered by art. 1.2.3.
1.3. The STUDENT is provided with tuition according to the age of the STUDENT, in line with a programme coordinated with the Regional Education Inspectorate – Sofia - city for the different school years as well as in conformity with:
1.3.1. The State Educational Standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, the valid regulations concerning the system of the preschool and school education;
1.3.2. (amended on 31.01.2023) Education in internationally recognised curricula/courses (their type and selected subjects are at the discretion of the SCHOOL management):
1) Cambridge Primary School for primary stage or Cambridge International School for lower secondary stage of education or
2) Preparation for sitting exams and obtaining certificates in IGCSE, AS-Level and A-level (according to the STUDENT’s age and at the discretion of the SCHOOL depending on his/her achievements) or
3) Other internationally recognised curricula/courses. (amended on 31.01.2023) The SCHOOL preserves the right to determine the internationally recognised curricula/courses for preparation, as specific subjects in different school years may be changed depending on the chosen exam board and its requirements, number of lessons of the selected subjects and others. (new as of 15.12.2023) For stage VІІІ – Х grade the SCHOOL reserves the right to determine the subjects for which the STUDENT should prepare and/or take an exam to obtain an IGSCE certificate. (new as of 15.12.2023) For stages XI – XII grades, the SCHOOL reserves the right to propose one of the following options, depending on the achievements of the STUDENT: daily form of education according to the State Educational Standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, individual form of education according to the State Educational Standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, and/or preparation for taking an exam and obtaining an IGCSE, AS-Level, and A-Level certificate.
1.3.3. In case of peril or epidemic spread of contagious diseases, declared by the respective act/order of a government or municipal body, declared state of emergency or extraordinary epidemic situation, according to art. 63 of the Health Act and upon deliberate order of a competent and authorized state or municipal body, if the attendance educational process in the school would be cancelled, due to the above mentioned reasons, the SCHOOL shall provide, as much as possible, remote learning in an electronic environment using information and communication technology. The education shall include conducting distance learning lessons (as the number and manner of conducting them are at the discretion of the SCHOOL), self-preparation, ongoing feedback on learning outcomes and assessment.
1.3.4. in case of force majeure (war, destructive natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, fire and disasters of other similar nature) in Sofia or in the country which limit the provision of educational process in the SCHOOL’s building, at its discretion the SCHOOL may provide materials for self-study to the STUDENT. For the avoidance of any doubt the cases regulated and art. 115a of the Preschool and School Education Act do not fall within the context of the hypothesis herein.
1.3.5. Identification of logopaedic status – twice a year until 4th /fourth/ grade;
1.3.6. Qualified medical care pursuant to Ordinance No 3/2000 of the Ministry of Health and the Health Act;
1.3.7. (new – 31.01.2023) Education according to the Civil, ecological and intercultural education programme;
1.3.8. (new – 31.01.2023) Option for attending of “Extracurricular activities” – sport, arts, technologies and others.
1.4. The STUDENT is considered admitted to the SCHOOL after:
1.4.1. Approval for admission after completed admission procedure and enrollment for examining the knowledge for the respective grade, learning abilities, socialization and group adaptation, English and Bulgarian language fluency level according to the age of the STUDENT;
1.4.2. Signing a Tuition Contract with the SCHOOL, payment of the Guarantee deposit, payment of the Tuition Fee /or first installment/ and other payments due according to the Payment Plan.
2.1. The Tuition Contract term is determined in every individual contract.
2.1.1. (amended on 31.01.2023) The number of the school days is as follows: for I grade – III grade: up to 165 days; for IV – VI grade: up to 175 days; for VII – XI grade: up to 185 days; for XII grade: up to 155 days; (amended on 31.01.2023) The number of the school days is defined considering 15th of September as the start of the school year and the following dates as the end of the school year: I grade – III grade: 31 of May; IV – VI grade: 15 of June; VII – XI grade: 30 of June; XII grade: 12th of May;
2.1.2. In case of increase of the number of school days earlier start and/or other date for the end of the academic year for the respective class, described in art. above, which came into effect after signing the STUDENT’s Tuition Contract and/or a payment plan for the respective school year, due to order of a normative act of the Ministry of Education and Science/ Regional Education Inspectorate or a decision of the Head of the School, the SCHOOL shall revise the amount of the "Tuition" fee, the "Food" fee and the "Fresh" fee (if requested), as the added amount for each of the services shall be determined according to the number of days by which the school year is extended for the specific class and the price, according to the signed Payment Plan for the current year. PARENTS/ GUARDIANS shall agree that the revision will occur automatically from the date of entry into effect of the order of the competent state or municipal body or a decision of the Head of the School. In such case, the SCHOOL shall notify the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS of the change at its earliest convenience, as the SCHOOL shall not amend the signed Payment Plan for the respective school year, an integral part of the Tuition Contract, and the added amount for further payment shall be invoiced to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS. The invoice is visible on the e-Payment Portal of St. George International School and shall be subject to payment within the period specified therein.
2.2. In March of the current year the SCHOOL shall send a statement to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS concerning the continuance of the STUDENT’s tuition for the subsequent academic year, as follows:
2.2.1. (amended on 31.01.2023) Admission confirmation – the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS should sign a Payment plan for the next academic year within the deadlines set forth by the SCHOOL, announced by e-correspondence or published on the website (www.stgeorgeschool.eu ). In such case, the fees for returning students in the SCHOOL shall apply. Should the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to meet the deadlines for signing a Payment Plan for the next academic year or fail to pay within the terms set therein, the Tuition Contract may be terminated under art. 5.1.5 of these General Terms and Conditions. Henceforth, a new Tuition Contract could be signed, if there are vacancies and under the financial conditions for new coming students.
2.2.2 (amended on 31.01.2023) A statement postponing the admission – it is applicable when the SCHOOL sets goals for improvement concerning the STUDENT’s performance and/or concerning the interaction between the SCHOOL and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS. Henceforth, the SCHOOL shall inform them on the particular goals for improvement and provision of support to the STUDENT and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS aiming at their achievement. Until the end of the academic year, according to the STUDENT’s age, the SCHOOL sends final statement concerning the possibility for tuition of the STUDENT during the next school year. Should the statement reject admission, the Tuition Contract is terminated according to Section V., art. 5.1.5. of these General Terms and Conditions. In such case, the SCHOOL bears no responsibility for any financial claims, interests, compensations, penalties, and others. Should the statement confirm admission as well as keeping the financial conditions for returning students, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS should fill in an Enrolment Form within 3 (three) days after receiving the statement, and sign the Payment Plan for the next academic year within 7 (seven) days after its receiving.
2.2.3. Admission rejection – a new Payment Plan is not signed for the next academic year. The Tuition contract is terminated according to Section V., art. 5.1.5 of these General Terms and Conditions. In such case, the SCHOOL bears no responsibility for any financial claims, interests, compensations, penalties and others.
2.3. In any case a Payment plan for the next academic year of a returning STUDENT is proposed and signed only in case of:
lack of current financial liabilities and received confirmation for continuing of the STUDENT’s education in the SCHOOL; 2.4. The Tuition Fee or first installment thereof (in case of payment rescheduling), as per the Payment Plan, should be paid until 31st /thirty-first/ of May of the current year.
2.5. In case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to sign the Payment plan for the next academic year until the date set out in article 2.2.1. and/or fail to settle the payment according to the Payment Plan, the SCHOOL is not obliged to keep the place for the STUDENT.
2.6. In order to avoid doubts about the application of Art. 2.2.1., 2.5., 3.1.3., 3.1.4. and 3.1.5., the following cumulative conditions should be met:
(amended on 31.01.2023) The STUDENT has passed an admission examination procedure according to the announced dates for examination (valid for currently enrolled STUDENTS in IV, VII and for new students); A statement is received from the SCHOOL confirming the admission (valid for currently enrolled STUDENTS in IV and VII grade) and a statement confirming admission along with the conditions under which the STUDENT will be educated (valid for currently enrolled STUDENTS in X and XI grade); The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS have filled in correctly an Enrolment Application within 3 /three/ days term as of the receipt of a statement confirming admission for new STUDENT or at least 10 /ten/ working days before the announced deadline for signing of the Payment Plan for the respective school year (valid for all returning students in the SCHOOL). 2.7. (amended on 31.01.2023) Change in the initial choice of payment scheme of liabilities (requested electronically by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS prior to concluding the Tuition Contract and/or a Payment Plan for the respective school year) or when ordering the consumption of "Fresh" or morning breakfast is performed in writing to the email: contracts@stgeorgeschool.eu . A single time change is not charged. For each subsequent change, requested by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, a fee in the amount defined in the Tariff for additional services of St. George International School and Preschool is charged. Any change or amendment, after the conclusion of Tuition Contract and/or after signing the Payment Plan for the respective year, is allowed in case of consent on behalf of the SCHOOL and in case the request is filed not later than 14 days term before the due date of the instalment, which is subject to the request for further rescheduling.
3.1. The Tuition Fee for the respective school year is in the amount set out in the Payment Plan, an integral part of the Tuition Contract. The amount of the Tuition Fee for each subsequent academic year is defined in a new Payment Plan.
3.1.1. In case of previously concluded Contract for stage of education from preceding years, the increase of the Tuition Fee for each of the following academic years until the end of the stage is in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in it and the financial conditions in effect at the date of its conclusion.
3.1.2. (amended on 31.01.2023) The financial terms and conditions for each subsequent school year shall be announced until February of the current year. They are determined at the discretion of the Governor of St. George School EOOD on the basis of the number of school days during the next school year, period of signing of the contract, period of resigning a Payment plan in case of returning student, inflation, wage costs and staff qualification, developed and implemented training programs, improving the quality of the offered hereto, facilities maintenance, investments and others. Information about fees is available at www.stgeorgeschool.eu .
3.1.3. For a new STUDENT, the Tuition Fee and other amounts due, according to the Payment Plan, are in the amount for new students for the respective class, consistent with the published financial conditions.
3.1.4. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) For a current STUDENT, continuing his/her education for the next school year, with new Payment plan for the next school year signed by 30th of April incl. (or other deadline published by the SCHOOL on its website) or a current STUDENT, continuing his/her education from IV to V grade, from VII to VIII grade, from X to XI grade and from XI to XII grade, with Payment plan for the respective school year signed by 15th of March incl. (or other deadline published by the SCHOOL on its website or announced by e-correspondence) and payments settled, according to the latter, the Tuition Fee is in the amount of the published fee for returning students for the respective grade.
3.1.5. (amended on 15.12.2023) For a current STUDENT, continuing his/her education in the next school year with Payment Plan signed for the next school year after 30th of April (or after the deadline published by the SCHOOL on its website) or a current STUDENT, continuing his/her education from IV to V grade, from VII to VIII grade, from X to XI grade and from XI to XII grade with new Payment Plan for the next school year signed after 15th of March (or after the deadline published by the SCHOOL on its website) and/or in case of unsettled payments, according to the Payment Plan, the Tuition Fee is in the amount of the published fee for new students for the respective grade.
3.1.6. In case the Tuition contract is signed after 15th /fifteenth/ of September, the Tuition Fee is in the amount of the published fee for new students for the respective grade, reduced in proportion to the number of school days missed, from 15th /fifteenth/ of September to the day of admission of the student. The Food Fee and the Fresh Fee (if requested) are also reduced. The Educational Resources Fee, the Exams Fee and the Guarantee Deposit are not subject to reduction.
3.1.7. In case until 30th of March of the current year (or other deadline published by the SCHOOL on its website), the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to sign the Payment Plan for the next school year for the STUDENT, the SCHOOL may terminate the concluded Tuition Contract in accordance with the provisions of art. 5.1.5. of these General Terms and Conditions, without extending any deadlines by sending a notification in writing to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to the e-mail address provided by them.
3.2. Terms and deadlines for payment of the Tuition Fee:
3.2.1. The major currency in the fee forming is Euro. The amounts due under the Tuition Contract shall be invoiced and paid in Bulgarian levs (BGN) as per the exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank on the date of payment using one of the following ways: through the e-Payment portal of St. George School EOOD /by debit, credit card or by bank transfer/, through a bank account specified in the Tuition Contract; through POS in the building of the SCHOOL.
3.2.2. (amended on 31.01.2023) The deadlines for payment of the amounts due under the Tuition Contract are specified in the Payment Plan for each academic year, and for other due payments for additional services – in invoices issued by the SCHOOL. In any case, the SCHOOL shall preserve its right to refuse rescheduling of the fees set out in the Payment Plan for the respective school year.
3.2.3. THE PARENTS/ GUARDIANS accept that if the Currency Board of the Republic of Bulgaria would be cancelled and/or altered, there shall be a significant change in the economic conditions under which the Tuition Contract has been concluded. In this regard, the amounts due under the Payment Plan for the respective school year, an integral part of the Tuition Contract along with other amounts for services, will be revised and/or translated. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS agree that the revision and/or the currency conversion shall occur automatically within 10 (ten) days from the date of the notification about the change of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to the email address for correspondence. In case they disagree, then the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS have the right to notify the SCHOOL that they do not accept the revision and/or the currency conversion and are willing to terminate the tuition contract within 10 (ten) days from the date of their notification, as the SCHOOL shall bear no responsibility for any expenses, compensations, material and non-material damages. Should there is no declared intention for termination on behalf of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS within the term set, the SCHOOL shall deem that the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS accept the change, and it shall come into effect after the 10-day term expiry. Further, the SCHOOL shall elaborate a new Payment Plan, an integral part of the Tuition contract, which shall be sent for information and execution to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to the email address for correspondence provided by them. (amended on 31.01.2023) The termination of the Tuition Contract by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS pursuant to art. 3.2.3. is performed in line with art. 5.1.3. of these General Terms and Conditions.
3.2.4. (amended on 31.01.2023) After publishing the size of the Tuition fee or after signing the Tuition contract and/or the Payment plan for the respective year, also during the school year, the SCHOOL is entitled to revise the Tuition fee in November and in April. Any revision shall be calculated proportionately to the school days until the end of the school year with accumulation, as the relevant summary consumer price index (CPI) shall be added for each of the past months, namely: in November – summary CPI in total for the months from March until October and in April – summary CPI in total for the months from November until February. (amended on 31.01.2023) The revisions in conformity with art. 3.2.4. are under the conditions of alternativity and as follows:
Should the total summary consumer price index (CPI) for the months mentioned above, published by the National Statistical Institute (NSI) for group “Education” is: 1.1. With increase up to 5.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 2.75%;
1.2. With increase from 5.01% to 10.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 5.50%;
1.3. With increase from 10.01% to 15.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 8.25%;
1.4. With increase from 15.01% to 20.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 11%;
1.5. With increase from 20.01% and above - the management of the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee at own discretion, but no less than 11.01%;
Should the total summary consumer price index (CPI) for the months mentioned above, published by the National Statistical Institute (NSI) for consumer group “Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels” is: 2.1. With increase up to 5% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee up to 0.45%;
2.2. With increase from 5.01% to 10.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 0.90%;
2.3. With increase from 10.01% to 15.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 1.35%;
2.4. With increase from 15.01% to 20.00% - the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee by up to 1.80%;
2.5. With increase from 20.01% and above – the management of the SCHOOL shall revise the Tuition fee at own discretion, but no less than 1.80%; The revised fee is a base for performing subsequent revision/s in the above order by the percentages listed above as well as under the conditions of alternativity. The PARENTS/GUARDIANS agree that the revision shall occur automatically within 10 (ten) days from the date of the notification for the change of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to the email address for correspondence. In case they disagree, then the PARENTS/GUARDIANS have the right to notify the SCHOOL that they do not accept the revision and are willing to terminate the tuition contract within 10 (ten) days from the date of their notification, as the SCHOOL shall bear no responsibility for any expenses, compensations, material and non-material damages. Should there is no declared intention for termination on behalf of the PARENTS/GUARDIANS within the term set, the SCHOOL shall deem that the PARENTS/GUARDIANS accept the change and it shall come into effect after the 10-day term expiry. The SCHOOL shall issue an invoice for the additional payment of the revised fees, as the information /invoice/ is visible in the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS profile in the e-Payment portal of St. George International School. (amended on 31.01.2023) The termination of the Tuition Contract by the PARENTS/GUARDIANS pursuant to art. is performed in line with art. 5.1.3. of these General Terms and Conditions.
3.2.5. For the avoidance of any doubt, art. 3.2.4. above is applicable regardless of art. 2.3. of the Tuition contract of a STUDENT, which is always applied independently.
3.2.6. By signing the Tuition contract and the Payment Plan, for the respective school year, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are considered to be informed of the amount, the terms and conditions of payment of the due Tuition Fee and other fees, related to administration and organisation of the educational process, food, fresh and other activities.
3.2.7. In case the Tuition Fee and/or other fees due to the SCHOOL have not been paid within the stipulated period, the SCHOOL would have no obligation to send notification or an invitation to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to pay .
3.3. Guarantee deposit.
3.3.1. PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are obliged to pay the SCHOOL a Guarantee deposit – a lump sum guarantee payment in the amount determined by the Governor of St. George School EOOD within 3 /three/ working days as of signing of the Tuition Contract. In line with the Bulgarian legislation, no invoice is issued related to the guarantee deposit payment;
3.3.2. The Guarantee deposit can be used and assumed by the SCHOOL in the following cases: It serves as a guarantee for keeping the place of the STUDENT until payment of the Tuition Fee. In case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to settle the payment under the Tuition Contract as per the Payment Plan for the respective school year, the guarantee deposit is not subject to reimbursement; (amended on 31.01.2023) As a compensation for damages caused by the STUDENT to the facilities used for the tuition process, to the movable and immovable property used by the SCHOOL, including personal lockers, tablets and etc. (amended on 31.01.2023) As a compensation, in case of non-return of the textbooks and/or books on behalf of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS until the last school day for the respective grade of the STUDENT and/or in the Handover Protocol are deemed as unsuitable for use (torn, scratched, shabby or missing covers or pages, put stickers on, impossible to be removed, dirty parts, comments available). (amended on 15.12.2023) For covering of any amounts due and not paid in relation to the Tuition Contract and Payment Plan from the different school years and/or Annexes thereof and/or other fees and amounts due to the SCHOOL, including amounts due for Activities by Interest or Individual care fee, exams, services, provided uniform, activities and others; For covering of any amounts due and unpaid, for events attended by the STUDENT, or for school necessities received by the STUDENT or the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, including for covering the amount for the reissue of card/s for safe access to the building of the SCHOOL, in case of loss or damage pursuant to the Regulations for Access to the building (https://stgeorgeschool.eu/?page_id=14024 ); For covering penalties and compensations due under the Tuition Contract, the Payment Plan for the respective school year and other due payment to the SCHOOL; As a compensation if the STUDENT fails to attend in SCHOOL on the date, fixed in the Tuition Contract and termination of the Tuition Contract with the SCHOOL. (amended on 31.01.2023) As a penalty in case of a filed claim by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS of the STUDENT for termination of a concluded Tuition Contract which is submitted during the period commencing from the date of signing of the Payment Plan up to the first school day of the starting school year. To cover due amounts for using the underground parking servicing the SCHOOL (pursuant to Regulations for use of a parking and the Tariffs to it).
3.3.3. By signing these General Terms & Conditions, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are hereby considered informed in advance that in case of using any amounts from the Guarantee deposit, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are obliged to recover the full amount of the Guarantee deposit within 14 /fourteen/ calendar days from the receipt of the notice for the event by the SCHOOL. If they fail to do so, the SCHOOL may take the measures under Section IV and Section V of these General Terms and Conditions.
3.3.4. The remaining unused amount of the Guarantee deposit, after deducting of all due amounts, is subject to reimbursement to a bank account specified in the Enrolment Application by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS within 14 /fourteen/ calendar days as of termination of the Tuition Contract.
3.3.5. In case of continuing the STUDENT’S education in the SCHOOL, the Guarantee deposit is transferred for the next school year.
3.3.6. In case of continuing the education of a child from St. George Preschool in the SCHOOL, the Guarantee deposit might be transferred for the tuition in the SCHOOL. If needed the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS should supplement the Guarantee deposit to the amount announced by the Governor of St. George School EOOD for the school year for which the Tuition Contract with the SCHOOL is entered into.
3.4. The Fees for educational resources and exams include:
3.4.1. (amended on 31.01.2023) Using and subscribing to on-line platforms, main and additional textbooks, notebooks, a package of notebooks for classwork and homework, student’s card, stationery, fine art materials, practical trainings and other, in accordance with the approved programme;
3.4.2. (amended on 31.01.2023) Exams, external examination – in defined by the SCHOOL academic subjects of internationally recognised curricula/courses, Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint, IGCSE, AS-level and A-level corresponding to the age of the STUDENT as well as other types of external examination. Exams fee is determined on the basis of exams number as well as practical components included in them.
3.4.3. (new – 31.01.2023) Every year the SCHOOL organises external examination aiming at assessing the learning potential and the level of English language proficiency. In the event that the STUDENT does not meet the expected proficiency in English language according to the age, then the SCHOOL will require additional work and will further define a term for achievement of the goals thereafter. In such an event the STUDENT will resit an external examination in due time set forth by the SCHOOL, nonetheless an additional “Exam” fee is charged, which amount is stated in the Tariff for additional services of St. George International School and Preschool. The invoice should be paid within the term, set therein.
3.4.4. (new – 31.01.2023, amended 15.12.2023) The “Exam” fee for IX and X grade is a base one and covers 5 (five) exams for IX grade and 6 (six) exams for X grade without a practical component. The SCHOOL reserves its right to decide whether and when the STUDENT to sit these exams, depending on his/her preparation and performance thereto. In case that, at the discretion of the SCHOOL, the STUDENT's participation is postponed to the next examination session, the SCHOOL may provide the STUDENT with additional preparation during the summer months through an individual program developed by the SCHOOL. This program will be subject to additional negotiation and payment. In this regard, if the examination board has meanwhile changed the examination fee by the date of the STUDENT's participation, the SCHOOL has the right to update the "Exam" fee with the percentage increase applied to it. In case that the STUDENT is willing to sit additional exams or if practical components need to be included, or in case of an update due to postponement of exams for next session, the PARENTS/GUARDIANS owe the relevant complementary payment, and in such cases the Payment plan for the respective academic year will remain unchanged and the SCHOOL shall issue an invoice for the complementary payment of the “Exam” fee, whilst the information (invoice) is displayed in the PARENTS/GUARGIANS’ profile in the e-payment portal of St. George International School and Preschool.
3.4.5. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) Exams fee in XI and in XII grade is a base one and covers sitting of 3 (three) exams without practical component. The SCHOOL reserves the right to assess whether and when the STUDENT will take these exams, depending on their preparation and performance. In the event that, at the discretion of the SCHOOL, the STUDENT's participation is postponed to the next examination session, the SCHOOL may offer the STUDENT additional preparation during the summer months through an individual program developed by the SCHOOL. This program will be subject to additional negotiation and payment. In this regard, if the examination board has changed the examination fee in the meantime by the date of the STUDENT's participation, the SCHOOL has the right to update the "Exam" fee with the percentage increase applied to it. In case the STUDENT shall sit extra exams or practical components should be included, or in case of an update due to postponement of exams for next session, then the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS owe the relevant additional payment. The Parties herein agree that the Payment plan for the respective school year would not be changed. The SCHOOL issues a supplementary invoice for the payment of the Exams fee, as the information /invoice/ is visible in the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS profile in the e-Payment portal of St. George International School.
3.5. When signing the Tuition Contract and/or the Payment Plan for the subsequent school year, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS submit Application/s through an online platform, wherein they fill in or update their personal data, bank account details designated for reimbursement of amounts. The Payment Plan contains information in regard with the payment of – the following services for which additional fee is paid:
3.5.1. Food: During school days the SCHOOL provides the following meals for the STUDENT in the canteen of the SCHOOL: morning breakfast, light meal at 10.00 a.m., lunch and afternoon snack; (new as of 17.07.2023, amended 15.12.2023) The morning breakfast is optional and the PARENTS/GUARDIANS may request a morning breakfast when signing the Tuition contract and/or the Payment Plan for the next academic year. (new 17.07.2023, terminated on 15.12.2023) (new as of 17.07.2023, amended on 15.12.2023) In the event that consumption of a morning breakfast by the STUDENT is identified (verified through the checking of the STUDENT's personal card in the canteen’s checking system), despite a prior refusal or any food consumption despite a prior refusal of food made in accordance with Article below, the PARENTS/GUARDIANS are obligated to pay the full amount of the "Food" fee as announced for the respective academic year. (new as of 17.07.2023. amended on 15.12.2023, amended on 20.01.2025) Should the PARENTS/GUARDIANS wish to include or exclude a morning breakfast, the deadline to do so is 15.01.2024 for the second term by emailing reception@stgeorgeschool.eu . In such a case, the value of the morning snack is proportionately calculated according to the remaining school days and an invoice for the amount will be issued and displayed in the e-Payment portal. In case of cancellation of the service, the recalculation is done on an annual basis with a recapitulation by August 31st. Any amendment and annex, an extra fee is charged, according to the Tariff for Additional Services of St. George School EOOD. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are informed about the price of the food per day in February of the current school year referring to the upcoming one; (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) Food Fee is calculated based on the number of school days until the end of the second school term for the respective grade and is paid in one or two installments according to the Payment Plan. In case the individual account of the STUDENT has unused amount for food, it is returned to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, the recapitulation being made on an annual basis until 31st of August. Recapitulation is not allowed in the following cases: 1. For the days when the STUDENT was absent and did not provide a medical document for the absences and/or 2. For the days when the STUDENT was absent and there was no good reason for that pursuant to the Attendance Policy of the SCHOOL and the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=15413&lang=bg ). Denial of food may be made only in case of a medical problem of the STUDENT requiring the observance of strict dietary regime. Pursuant to instructions of the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, AS AN EXCEPTION, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are granted authorization for providing food prepared by them at home. In this case, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS submit a signed Application to the reception of the SCHOOL and enclose documents verifying the STUDENT’S need of a diet – a decision by the Territorial Expert Medical Commission or a medical certificate issued by a Medical Committee. The Application and the enclosed documents are reviewed by the management within 7 /seven/ working days. In case of impossibility to provide the food required for the STUDENT, a decision is made for termination of the service by the SCHOOL. The home-made food is delivered to the SCHOOL on a daily basis, packed in disposable utensils with the names of the STUDENT specified on them. The liability for the quality and safety of such homemade food and any possible consequences thereof is fully borne by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS.
3.5.2. Freshly-squeezed juice: (amended on 15.12.2023) When signing the Tuition contract or the Payment Plan for the respective academic year, the PARENT/ GUARDIAN may require the everyday consumption of freshly-squeezed juice (fresh) by the STUDENT during the school days, as this would be a subject to additional payment. Fresh fee is formed on the basis of the number of school days until the end of the second term for the respective grade and is paid in one or two installments, as per the Payment Plan for the respective school year. (amended on December 15, 2023) In the event that: 1. the consumption of a fresh is not initially requested, but during the academic year the PARENTS/GUARDIANS wish to change their choice and include it, or 2. they wish to declare a refusal of the consumption of a previously requested fresh at the beginning of the academic year, they must submit the change request through an application to the Reception (following the school's template). The change will take effect in 7 (seven) business days after its submission. The amount for the consumption of "Fresh" will be calculated based on the number of school days from the date of service enforcement until the end of the academic year. In case under the individual account of the STUDENT there is a remaining amount for fresh which was not used, it is reimbursed to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, as the recapitulation is made on an annual basis until 31st of August. Recapitulation is not allowed in the following cases: 1. For the days when the STUDENT was absent and did not provide a medical document for that and/ or 2. For the days when the STUDENT was absent and there wasn’t a good reason for that pursuant to the Attendance Policy of the SCHOOL and the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation (https://stgeorgeschool.eu/?page_id=15411 ).
3.5.3. For the provision of “Food” and “Fresh” services the SCHOOL has concluded a contract with a third party – vendor. In case after the publishing of the size of the “Food” or “Fresh” fee or after signing the Tuition Contract and/or the Payment plan for the respective year, also during the school year, an increase of the services provided by the third party – vendor shall occur, the SCHOOL is entitled to increase the “Food” and/or “Fresh” fee by the percentage of the increased expenses of the vendor. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS agree that the increase shall occur automatically within 10 (ten) days from the date of the notification for the change of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to the email address for correspondence. In case they disagree, then the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS have the right to notify the SCHOOL that they do not accept the increase and are willing to terminate the tuition contract within 10 (ten) days from the date of their notification, as the SCHOOL shall bear no responsibility for any expenses, compensations, material and non-material damages. Should there is no explicitly declared intention for termination on behalf of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS within the term set, the SCHOOL shall deem that the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS accept the change, and it shall come into effect after the 10-day term expiry. The SCHOOL shall issue an invoice for the additional payment of the revised fees, as the information /invoice/ is visible in the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS profile in the e-Payment portal of St. George International School.
3.5.4. “Activities by interests" of the STUDENTS include: (amended on 15.12.2023) Group or individual activities aimed at the personal development and improvement of the STUDENT within the time limits set by the SCHOOL, in different thematic areas. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS may request "Activities by interest" as per additionally set schedule, announced by the SCHOOL, through the on-line platform of the SCHOOL, but not later than 30th of June of the previous academic year for the first term of the next academic year and not later than 15th of January of the respective academic year– for the second term. (amended on 15.12.2023) For the requested "Activities by interests", the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS of the STUDENT owe a fee that includes the amount of the stated "Activities by interests". The "Activities by interest" fee for the first term of the next academic year is paid as follows: by 30th of June - 30% (thirty percent) of the cost of the requested activities, and by the end of the first week of September - the remaining 70% (seventy percent). For the second semester, the payment is due by 25th of January. In case a partial reimbursement of the paid amount for “Activities by interest” is required due to reasons described in detail in the General Terms to the e-Payment Portal of St. George International School, the recapitulation is done on annual basis after the end of the school year, up to 31st of August. (new as of 15.12.2023) If "Activities by interest" are not requested and/or paid and/or fully paid within the specified deadlines or within additional deadlines set by the SCHOOL, then the price for their subsequent request and/or payment shall be increased by 10% (ten percent). Enrollment is only allowed if there are available places for the requested activities. In case a STUDENT is enrolled in “Activities by interest”, however the SCHOOL has demanded extra-curricular activities in accordance with the provisions of art. below, then the SCHOOL is not obliged to reimburse the paid fee for the missed activities by interest thereby.
3.6. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) Provision of services such as “Green” and “White” schools, participation in competitions in Bulgaria and abroad and other organised events, outside the organised and preliminary announced ones as part of the compulsory school curriculum, is made after additional payment by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS of the STUDENT.
3.7. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) Against additional payment and at written request on behalf of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS through the on-line platform of the SCHOOL or following an explicit written request according to the specified order and term, the SCHOOL can provide “individual care” for the STUDENT during school days counted from the 15th (fifteenth) minute after the end of the compulsory school classes, should there be no activities of interest requested, if there was one block of “Activities by interests” requested after 5:15 pm for the first block and after 6:15 p.m. for the second block, as well as after 4:45 p.m. should there be no extra-curricular activities demanded by the SCHOOL. The fee is at the amount defined in the Tariff for additional services of St. George International School and Preschool for the beginning of each hour. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS may request this service in advance up to 3 /three/ working days at e-mail reception@stgeorgeschool.eu , and the SCHOOL reserves the right to refuse the service. The duration of the stay shall be estimated based on extract from the SCHOOL’s access and security system, validating the date and time of STUDENT’s entry to the facilities. The invoice thereafter, representing the amount due for the last month with deadline, is issued up to the 10th day of the following month and is displayed to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS profile in the e-Payment portal of St. George International School.
3.8. (amended on 31.01.2023) The transport service is provided to the STUDENT during school days, upon PARENTS/ GUARDIANS’ request, as for that purpose they may conclude an explicit individual contract for transport with recommended by the SCHOOL transportation company/driver under determined by it tariff for transportation, for the respective school year. The SCHOOL is not a party under the concluded contract and is not responsible for any damage and harm caused due to incorrect performance of the transportation contract, including, but not limited to, the quality of the service, the schedule, the routes, as it does not owe any compensations or penalties.
3.9. Discounts
3.9.1. (amended on 15.12.2023) In case of tuition of a second and every other STUDENT of one family enrolled in the SCHOOL and/or St. George Preschool, a discount from the Tuition Fee may apply according to a decision made by the Governor of St. George School EOOD. To avoid any ambiguity, family members of the student include the father, mother, underage brothers and sisters, including those with whom the STUDENT shares only one common parent.
3.9.2. In case the Tuition Fee and/or Fees for Use of Education Resources and Exams are not paid within the terms set out in the Payment Plan, in the invoices or in the e-mail correspondence period, all applied discounts from fees under the Tuition Contract and the Payment Plan to it, agreements to it, or previous written annexes or agreements will become invalid and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS owe a lump-sum of the full amount of the Tuition Fee for new coming students for the respective grade. In case of delay, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS shall be deemed notified and unconditionally agree that the revocation of the discounts as well as the change of the Tuition Fee will automatically occur on the day, following the due day. The SCHOOL shall send to the email addresses given by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS the amended Payment Plan for the respective school year, an integral part of the Tuition Contract, and the amount for the additional payment is invoiced, and the invoice is displayed in the e-Payment Portal.
3.9.3. Even if the Tuition Contract and/or the Payment Plan is signed under the terms stated in art. 2.2.1. above and in compliance with the conditions under Art. 2.6. and the STUDENT Tuition Fee is in the amount of the announced fee for returning students for the respective grade, in case the Tuition Fee and/or a fee for use of educational resources and exams, including those signed for a stage of education, are not paid in full by the deadlines specified in the Payment Plan, in issued invoices or in electronic correspondence, the size of the Tuition Fee is changed and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS shall owe a lump-sum of the full amount of the announced annual Tuition Fee for new students for the respective grade. In case of delay, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are notified and unconditionally agree that the change of the Tuition Fee will occur automatically on the day following the due date. The SCHOOL shall send to the email addresses given by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS the amended Payment Plan, an integral part of the Tuition Contract, and the amount for additional payment is invoiced, and the invoice is displayed in the e-Payment Portal.
3.9.4. In case any of the payments under the Payment Plan, an integral part of the Tuition Contract, and/or the services, whenever applicable, the fees for selected “Activities by interest”, the Guarantee deposit (including the cases under art. 3.3.3. above), including and/ or the Fee for Use of Educational resources and exams, and those signed for a stage of education have not been paid in full within 10 /ten/ working days as of the date, which is stated in the Payment Plan, in the issued invoices or in the electronic correspondence periods, the SCHOOL may refuse to sign a Payment Plan for the next school year.
4.1. (amended on 31.01.2023) If a due fee pursuant to the Payment Plan, inseparable part of the Tuition Contract, or other due payments to the SCHOOL, fully or partially, are not paid within the stipulated periods, along with the consequences set in the Contract, the General Terms & Conditions and the applicable legislation, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS shall owe to the SCHOOL a penalty for delay to the amount of 0,5% /zero point five tenths percent/ over the due amount per each day of delay, however not more than 20% /twenty percent/ of the due amount. In case the Tuition Fee payment is not sufficient to cover the calculated penalty and the capital, it is necessary that the penalty is paid first and afterwards the principal. Over the remaining principal will be calculated penalty for delay in accordance with the preceding sentence until the moment of its full payment.
4.2. In case of failure to pay the full or any part of the Tuition Fee, as well as payments due under the Tuition Contract, together with a Payment Plan thereto, an integral part of the Tuition Contract, including also signed contracts for stage of education as well as fees for requested Activities by interests, Guarantee deposit (including the fee under art. 3.3.3. above), within 10 /ten/ working days after the expiration of the deadlines set out in the Payment Plan, in invoices issued or in electronic correspondence, in addition to the other consequences as provided for in the General Terms and Conditions and the applicable law, the SCHOOL may send written warning, giving the deadline of 10 /ten/ working days for payment, with the strict notice that after the expiry of the deadline shall be entitled to terminate the Tuition Contract with immediate effect. The termination is performed by a unilateral written statement to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, without any additional time period for performance.
5.1. The Tuition Contract is terminated:
5.1.1. Upon expiration of the term of validity thereof;
5.1.2. By mutual consent expressed in writing;
5.1.3. With one month written notice by any of the Parties served to the other Party without stating the reasons for terminating the contract;
5.1.4. Unilaterally, by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, without one month written notice and by paying of all due amounts and the penalty as per article 5.4. below;
5.1.5. In case of rejection of the continuance of the STUDENT’s education for the next school year in accordance with the provisions of art. 2.2. of these General Terms and Conditions as well as of art. 3.1.7.the contract shall be deemed terminated, as of the date, defined by a regulatory act of the Ministry of Education and Science as the end of the school activities for the respective grade for the current year, in which the STUDENT is enrolled.
5.1.6. In case of permanent deterioration of the STUDENT’S medical condition or other reasons that makes him/her unable to continue the education as per the curriculum for the respective academic year;
5.1.7. If a need for a personal assistant to the STUDENT has been specified and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to provide such – with one month notice;
5.1.8. In case of imposing a penalty on the student as per the legal regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science, the SCHOOL Regulation Plan, Policies and Internal Rules of the School;
5.1.9. Upon closing the SCHOOL;
5.1.10. (amended on 31.01.2023) In case of full or partial failure to pay the Tuition Fee, including payments due according to Payment Plan, an integral part of the Tuition Contract and/or any other amounts due for requested Activities by interest, Guarantee deposit (including in the cases under art. 3.3.3. above), Admission fee, due penalties, or due amounts for use of a parking – pursuant to art. 4.2. hereinabove;
5.1.11. In case of force majeure events (war or destructive natural disasters, such as flood, earthquake, fire and disasters of other similar nature), which make the building unusable for its intended purpose or which make the fulfilment of the SCHOOL’S obligations impossible for a period longer than 6 /six/ months – with unilateral notice submitted by the SCHOOL to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS. In this case, the termination is in force as of the date of receipt of the SCHOOL’S notice by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS;
5.1.12. The SCHOOL has the right to terminate the Tuition Contract and at the discretion of the Governor of St. George School EOOD including but not limited to, when the STUDENT, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS or any other persons authorized thereby violate these General Terms and Conditions, the commitment to non-disclosure of confidential information within the meaning of Section VIII below, the Rules of Organisation of safe access to the building, the legal regulation documents of the SCHOOL, including the Policies and Procedures, announced at the website of the SCHOOL (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=9474&lang=bg ), at a failure of PARENTS/ GUARDIANS to appear to a PARENTS/ GUARDIANS meeting following an individual invitation extended by the Head of the SCHOOL, by the pedagogical staff or by the management of the SCHOOL without a reasonable excuse, as well as in case of performed actions by means of which they harm the reputation of the SCHOOL and/or of the teachers, the students and the administrative staff. The termination is made by a unilateral written statement to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, without notice and without any additional time period for performance;
5.1.13. If after the entry into force of the contract it is found that the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS have provided untrue, incorrect or incomplete information about the STUDENT’s health, physiological or other personal peculiarities (including individual educational needs, physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, sensory, emotional, creative development of the STUDENT towards children of the same age group) as well as they shall not present other necessary documentation pursuant to art. 6.2.2. hereinbelow – with one month notice.
5.2. Refund of the “Tuition” fee:
5.2.1. (amened on 01.11.2022) In the events under articles 5.1.2., 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.6., 5.1.7.,5.1.8, 5.1.9. 5.1.11, 5.1.12 and 5.1.13., the SCHOOL is obliged to recalculate and reverse on the basis of the date of leaving part of the “Tuition” fee for the current school year within 14 /fourteen/ working days after the termination of the contract enters into force. According to the following periods: from 15.09. to 31.10. – 25% of the Tuition Fee is refunded; from 01.11. to 31.01. – 20% of the Tuition Fee is refunded, from 01.02. to 31.03. – 15% of the Tuition Fee is refunded; after 01.04. – the SCHOOL shall not refund any percent of the full Tuition Fee. In any case fees for “Educational Resources” and “Exams” are not refundable.
5.2.2. (amened on 01.11.2022) In the events under articles 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4. 5.1.6., 5.1.7., 5.1.8., 5.1.9., 5.1.11., 5.1.12 and 5.1.13. and in case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS requested rescheduling of the obligations under the due amounts within 14 /fourteen/ working days after the termination of the contract enters into force, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS owe to the SCHOOL:
For the periods: from 15.09. to 31.10. – 75% of the full Tuition Fee, according to the Payment Plan for the respective school year;
from 01.11 to 31.01. – they owe 80% of the Tuition Fee, according to the Payment Plan for the respective school year;
from 01.02 to 31.03 – they owe 85% of the Tuition Fee, according to the Payment Plan for the respective school year;
after 01. 04 – they owe 100% of the Tuition Fee, according to the Payment Plan for the respective school year.
5.2.3. In case the STUDENT is offered education in an electronic environment (as the way of education and the number of hours are at the discretion of the SCHOOL, and/or materials for self-study, current feedback on the results of training and assessment), the SCHOOL shall not reimburse the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS with any part of the paid Tuition Fee, including in case of prolonged absence of the STUDENT due to health reasons. In case of art. 1.3.4. of these General Terms and Conditions, the SCHOOL shall not reimburse the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS with any part of the annual Tuition Fee, if the force majeure would last longer than one month. Hence, the SCHOOL shall reimburse at its discretion up to 20% (twenty percent) of the Tuition Fee for the respective school year, matching the period, involving the following time limits: one month from the date of occurrence of the event until its end or the end of the school year (whichever is the earliest).
5.3. In all cases, the SCHOOL is not liable and shall not owe payment for damages, penalties, indemnities, etc., in case of technical reasons or difficulties in or in regard with the provided distance learning in an electronic environment.
5.4. Upon termination of the Tuition Contract unilaterally by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, without observing the 30 /thirty/ calendar days’ notice period, they owe the SCHOOL a penalty in Bulgarian levs equal to EUR 1000 /one thousand euro/ according to the exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank, which may be deducted from the Guarantee deposit.
5.4.1. Notwithstanding the above, upon termination of a Tuition Contract unilaterally by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS in the period from the date of signing the Payment Plan for the subsequent school year until the beginning of the lessons for the same, as well as upon termination of the Tuition Contract in this period by the SCHOOL due to non-payment of the due amount within the set term, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS owe to the SCHOOL a penalty in the amount of 2500 /two thousand and five hundred/ EUR, according to the Bulgarian National Bank’s currency fixing, which amount can be partially deducted from the Guarantee deposit up to the smaller amount.
5.5. The Tuition Fee is not subject to reimbursement in case the STUDENT’s absence is different from the absences under articles 5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.1.6., 5.1.7, 5.1.8, 5.1.9., 5.1.11, 5.1.12 and 5.1.13. hereinabove.
5.6. The SCHOOL has the right to make objection to an outstanding contract and not to fulfil an obligation for reimbursement of fees on the grounds of articles 5.1.1 - 5.1.13., if the SCHOOL has receivables from the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS under the Tuition Contract and/or additionally requested Activities by interest and other services, including and/ or Fees for use of educational resources and exams, food, Guarantee deposit, parking fees, penalties, liabilities occurring from non-return of textbooks, books, materials, where the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS have failed to make any payments for such receivables, until full repayment of the obligations.
5.7. The termination of the Tuition Contract does not extinguish/terminate any of the financial rights or obligations of each Party, which have occurred before the date of termination and have not been fully or partially fulfilled.
6.1. Rights of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS:
6.1.1 To receive high quality tuition and care for the STUDENT;
6.1.2. (amended on 15.12.2023) To receive tuition of the STUDENT according to the curriculum of the SCHOOL, Rules and regulation of the SCHOOL, policies and procedures;
6.1.3. To be informed about the development, behaviour and the results of the STUDENT;
6.1.4. To maintain communication with the team taking care of the STUDENT, as well as to have access to the building in a way that does not violate the order and the organisation of the SCHOOL as provided for in the Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL, as well as the Rules of organisation the access to the building and the Rules for Use of parking, etc.
6.1.5. To be informed about: Curriculum, Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL, Rules of organisation of safe access to the building, Rules for Use of the Parking, legislative and internal documents of the school (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=9474&lang=bg ) and with the teachers; The Tuition Fee and all other fees and costs, pursuant to the present Tuition Contract, as well as with the payment deadlines.
6.2. Obligations of the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS:
6.2.1. To submit within the deadline defined by the SCHOOL any information that is required or might be required for the fulfilment of the SCHOOL’s obligations under this contract – in relation to the medical, physiological or other personal specifications of the STUDENT (including individual educational needs, difficulties in the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, sensory, emotional, creative development of the STUDENT compared to the children in the same age group), requirements, etc.; In case such information is not provided during the defined deadline, the SCHOOL can refuse the STUDENT access to class;
6.2.2. Upon STUDENT’s enrolment to provide the SCHOOL with all documentation referring to completed grades or stages of school education and levels of education, issued by Bulgarian schools or schools abroad, recognised under conditions and in order determined by the Sate educational standard for evaluation of the students’ learning outcomes, namely (incomplete listing): 1. Written application; 2. School education document; 3. Document certifying the rights provided by the document under item 2 (if the latter shall not bring clarity); 4. Translation in Bulgarian language of the document under item 2 by a certified translator; 5. Decision of an expert committee of the Regional Education Inspectorate on recognition of documents for completed period, stage or grade, applicable for VII – XII grade; 5. Other documents consistent with Ordinance No11/2016 on the evaluation of the students’ learning outcomes; In case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS fail to submit all necessary documents, according to the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation regarding provision of education in conformity of the State Educational Standards, the SCHOOL: 1. will not provide and deliver to the STUDENT tuition as per the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Bulgaria, active normative acts in the system of the national education in the Republic of Bulgaria; 2. will not conduct exams in line with the State Educational Standards of the Republic of Bulgaria; 3. Will not issue certificates, diploma and any other type of relevant documents for issue by the SCHOOL in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Science required or implied by the SCHOOL in accordance with the Bulgarian State Educational Standards;
6.2.3. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) To keep regular contact with the people designated for communication and the management of the SCHOOL according to the specified order as well as to track regularly (at least once a week) the STUDENT’S development and progress published in the school platform as well as the online payment platform of the SCHOOL;
6.2.4. (amended on 31.01.2023) To check and sign on a regular basis the notices from the SCHOOL for the academic progress and the behaviour of the STUDENT when required;
6.2.5. To attend all organised parent’s meetings and individual meetings with the Head of School, the pedagogical staff or the management of the SCHOOL in relation to the tuition and the behaviour of the STUDENT;
6.2.6. To assist the SCHOOL if needed for observing the order, discipline, the successful tuition process and the normal personal development of the STUDENT;
6.2.7. Prior to the first school day of every school year or “green school”, if the STUDENT attends, to submit to the SCHOOL a Personal Medical Health Card /PMHC/ of the STUDENT with immunizations made, medical certificate for lack of contact with contagiously ill persons and medical documents for found allergies of the STUDENT, if any;
6.2.8. Not to allow the STUDENT to attend classes in case of: Deteriorated medical condition. In this case, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are obliged to act in consistence with the Students Attendance Policy and further immediately inform the SCHOOL about the nature of the disease, including if this is contagious disease, as well as to submit a medical document for the disease and the time period of home treatment. Before the STUDENT starts attending the SCHOOL again, to provide a medical note by the general practitioner; Presence of parasites. In this case, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are obliged to immediately inform the SCHOOL and to submit a medical note issued by the general practitioner before the STUDENT starts attending the SCHOOL again.
6.2.9. (amended 15.12.2023) Not to allow the STUDENT to bring with him/her and/or to go to SCHOOL with food, beverages, belongings, objects, substances, illicit substances, etc. that are or might be potentially dangerous for the health and/or the security of the other students or the SCHOOL’s staff;
6.2.10. (amended on 31.01.2023) To ensure STUDENT’s presence: in class both in attending form of education or (new 15.12.2023) In individual form of education in XI and XII grades – attendance at all consultations according to the schedule determined by the SCHOOL. In the case where the STUDENT is offered education in an A-level course or another studied course or program, attendance of the STUDENT at all classes, educational activities, and consultations according to the specified weekly program is required. in one week mandatory “green/white” school according to the Civil, Ecological and Intercultural Education Programme; in a remote form of education (if ordered by a competent state or municipal body); at events and initiatives related to the STUDENT’s development and his/her portfolio preparation; at exams, according to a timetable, including additional exams of organised external examination, if required by the SCHOOL. to undertake measures upon receiving a notification from the SCHOOL about any problems with the tuition and the behaviour of the STUDENT during the educational and study process, the stay in the SCHOOL, the organised excursions, the green and white schools and others alike;
6.2.11. To provide the STUDENT with the necessary articles of the STUDENT’s uniform of the school, to send the STUDENT to school clean and tidy in conformity with the Uniform policy of the School, to provide suitable clothing for outdoor activities depending on the weather conditions;
6.2.12. To provide the STUDENT with suitable clothing and equipment during organised excursions, green and white schools, project-based education and etc.;
6.2.13. To inform the SCHOOL in writing about any change occurred in the family or in the STUDENT’s status, which is important for the fulfilment of the obligations under this contract;
6.2.14. To observe the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL and to procure the observance thereof by the STUDENT, including to all legislative and internal documents of the SCHOOL (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=9474&lang=bg ), and also not to commit acts that damage the reputation of the SCHOOL and/or the teachers, students and the administrative staff;
6.2.15. To sign declaration of consent or dissent in any case the STUDENT leaves the SCHOOL in relation to the organised events by the SCHOOL;
6.2.16. (amended on 31.01.2023, 15.12.2023) Up to the first day of each school year, to sign and submit to the SCHOOL a declaration for the medical condition of the student that describes in detail all medical problems of the STUDENT, if any, as well as any other declarations whatsoever required by the SCHOOL. Any change in the health of the STUDENT should be immediately communicated in writing to reception@stgeorgeschool.eu, and in case of untimely reporting the SCHOOL bears no responsibility for the STUDENT’S health condition;
6.2.17. To support the SCHOOL in its efforts to achieve its study and educational purposes, including to ensure STUDENT’s presence, if required by the SCHOOL, to extra learning lessons in accordance with art. 7.1.9. hereinbelow;
6.2.18. To assist for the good image and to protect the traditions of the SCHOOL;
6.2.19. To discuss and to try to solve any problems that have occurred in relation to the STUDENT or the tuition process, together with the person designated for communication and the Head of School;
6.2.20. To observe all provisions of the Tuition Contract entered into with the SCHOOL in relation to the provision of high-quality education, the organisation and administration of the obligatory and facultative curriculum of the SCHOOL and other after the end of the school day;
6.2.21. To pay the Tuition Fee and any other fees and expenses under the conditions and within the time periods set out in the Payment Plan and/or invoices or the electronic correspondence in these General Terms and Conditions, the fees for Activities by interest, and the fees for stay in the underground parking, used by the SCHOOL, the due penalties;
6.2.22. In case necessary and upon request by the management of the SCHOOL, to provide a personal assistant for the STUDENT on their own account, with the requisite qualifications, with a pure judicial past (proven by presenting a current Court Certificate), in compliance with and observing the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL and the Rules of Organisation of safe access to the building, Rules for Use of parking and other regulatory and internal documents of the SCHOOL (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=9474&lang=bg ). In any case, and in case of non-fulfilment of the conditions under the previous sentence, the SCHOOL reserves the right to refuse access to the third person – personal assistant. In the event an assistant is not provided within the required period, the SCHOOL could terminate the Tuition Contract – in accordance with art. 5.1.12. hereinabove.
6.2.23. In case of education of the STUDENT in a remote electronic environment by using the means of information and communication technologies, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS are obliged to: 1. Provide all necessary documents required by the government/municipal authorities in connection with the education; 2. To provide the necessary technical means for carrying out distance learning; 3. To exercise the necessary supervision and control for a safe and secure electronic environment of the STUDENT, as the SCHOOL does not bear any responsibility for this.
6.2.24. To inform in writing the SCHOOL within 14-days term following a change of the bank account, stated in the Enrolment Application for contract signing, used for reimbursement of amounts. In case of delayed notification, the SCHOOL bears no responsibility for any reimbursed amount to the initially declared bank account, as well the SCHOOL shall not be obliged to refund the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS with the amount transferred therein.
7.1. Rights of the SCHOOL:
7.1.1 (amended on 31.01.2023) To receive on time from the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS all the information that is required or may be required for the fulfilment of its obligations under this contract – in relation to the medical, physiological or other personal characteristics of the STUDENT (including individual educational needs, difficulties in the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, sensory, emotional, creative development of the STUDENT compared to the children in the same age group), requirements, etc.;
7.1.2. To impose sanctions on the STUDENT in case of committed violations in compliance with the applicable legal regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science and the effective Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL and current internal normative documents of the SCHOOL;
7.1.3. To ask for the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS’ assistance for carrying out activities of joint nature;
7.1.4. To define and apply efficient forms and methods of study and education;
7.1.5. To define the rules for behaviour, school uniform and appearance of the STUDENT;
7.1.6. (amended on 15.12.2023) To carry out video and photo recording of the STUDENT, including audio recordings, during the educational process, during distance learning, and remote forms of education (if applicable), as well as during organised events and extracurricular activities organised by the SCHOOL, materials will be created that include the image of the STUDENT and other participants. The SCHOOL has the right to use these materials (applicable worldwide, without time restrictions) as follows: publication on the internet (public); publication on social networks – Facebook (Meta), LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter Inc. (public); publication on the internet pages of partners of the SCHOOL advertising or promoting its activities (public); promoting the activities of the SCHOOL in the Republic of Bulgaria and abroad (public).
By signing the Education Agreement and/or Payment Plan for the respective academic year, PARENTS/GUARDIANS express their consent that in case of refusal, PARENTS/GUARDIANS are required to request and sign a special Declaration Form for Refusal of photographing, including video recording of the STUDENT, by contacting reception@stgeorgeschool.eu. In this case, during events organised by the SCHOOL, the STUDENT will be asked not to participate to avoid being present in group photos.
7.1.7. Not to admit the STUDENT to classes in the cases provided for in articles 6.2.1., 6.2.8. and 6.2.22.
7.1.8. To receive a Tuition Fee and any other payments due under the Terms and Conditions set forth in the Tuition Contract and the associated Payment Plan, including requested Activities by interests, parking fees, food, Guarantee deposit, etc.
7.1.9. (amended on 31.01.2023) To recommend and demand: Individual curriculum for the STUDENT within the school day; (amended 15.12.2023) Individual or group education after the compulsory school classes, conducted in the SCHOOL, in case the STUDENT’s performance in a particular subject (at the discretion of the teacher or the management) is insufficient to allow him/her participate in full in the learning process or in case classwork or homework assignment are not fulfilled. Depending on the goals and needs of the STUDENT, this education may be provided either free of charge or with an additional fee, either after school hours or on non-school days. In case an additional payment is needed then it will be in the amount as per the announced order and procedures of the SCHOOL. The invoice for the due payment for the preceding month with specified payment deadline is issued up to the 10th of the subsequent month and it will be visible in the PARENTS/GUARDIANS’ profile in the e-Payment portal of St. George International School and Preschool. The SCHOOL reserves the right to give directions concerning preparation and/or attendance or cancellation of the STUDENT’s registration of IGCSE, AS-level and A-level exam and/or other exams consistent with internationally recognised curricula/courses, depending on his/her results, progress and development. The SCHOOL has the right to refuse or cease the preparation in one or all subjects of the A-Level course, if the efforts that the STUDENT makes and the results he/she achieves are not sufficient for the successful exam completion; The SCHOOL is entitled to refuse the preparation for AS-level and A-level in a particular subject, or in all subjects, in case the results of the STUDENT from the IGCSE exam or exams for applying to the SCHOOL are not sufficient to successfully complete the tuition course.
7.1.10. To implement a system for access control and video surveillance in the school according to its choice and discretion.
7.2. Obligations of the SCHOOL:
7.2.1. To ensure qualified teachers to carry out the teaching;
7.2.2. To observe the State Educational Standards of Republic of Bulgaria;
7.2.3. (new – 31.01.2023) To select internationally recognised programmes/courses and subjects to be included in the curriculum;
7.2.4. To observe the requirements for protection of STUDENT’s life and health;
7.2.5. If applicable to issue the certificates, references and diplomas approved by the Ministry of Education and Science for completed education degree as well as to assist in acquiring certificates and diplomas consistent with internationally recognised curricula after taking the relevant exams;
7.2.6. To regularly inform the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS about the results, the academic progress, development and the behaviour of the STUDENT in English and Bulgarian at the discretion of the SCHOOL;
7.2.7. (amended on 31.01.2023) To provide the STUDENT with the following meals: morning breakfast, light meal, lunch and afternoon snack; organisation of “Green” and “White” schools and other events;
7.2.8. (amended on 31.01.2023) To provide options and conditions for development of the STUDENT’s digital skills;
7.2.9. To carry out periodic check of the STUDENT’s knowledge through the use of appropriate tests;
7.2.10. To make diagnostics of the STUDENT’s development three times a year: entry level /at the beginning of the first term/, intermediate level /at the end of the first term/, and exit level /at the end of the second term/;
7.2.11. (amended on 31.01.2023) To record the marks from written and oral examinations in the e-Platform of the SCHOOL, according to the State Educational Standards of Republic of Bulgaria;
7.2.12. To provide the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS with information on a specific issue requiring their attention, by a letter of notice or a phone call;
7.2.13. To administer Head of School’s observations of STUDENT’s assessment and knowledge analysis as well as to control and observe the quality of teaching and learning;
7.2.14. To ensure a manufacturer of the approved by the SCHOOL uniform of the STUDENT (official, daily and sports). The price of the uniform is not included in the Tuition Fee and is paid by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS on the basis of their choice of the type and number of ordered items;
7.2.15. To ensure the organisation of the tuition process and the required staff resources;
7.2.16. To ensure examination and identification of the logopaedic status of the STUDENTS up to 4th /fourth/ grade twice a year;
7.2.17. At the beginning of the academic year, to submit to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS:
7.2.18. Plan for work of the planned activities during the academic year;
7.2.19. Weekly timetable for the first term;
7.2.20. List of textbooks for the respective grade;
7.2.21. Rules of Procedure of the SCHOOL;
7.2.22. Rules of organization of safe access to the building and Rules for use of the parking;
7.2.23. List of contact persons and presentation of the teachers;
7.2.24. At the beginning of the second term or in case of change, to submit the updated weekly timetable to the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS;
7.2.25. In February to publish the financial conditions on the website www.stgeorgeschool.eu referring to the next academic year, valid for returning and new students;
7.2.26. By the end March to publish updated General Terms and Conditions on the website www.stgeorgeschool.eu .
8.1. Both the SCHOOL and the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS undertake to maintain confidentiality, not to make public statements and announcements, including not to publish any information concerning the SCHOOL and the staff on social media, not to disclose or disseminate information that has become known to or on the occasion of the implementation of the Tuition Contract, including information concerning third parties – children enrolled in the SCHOOL and their parents/ guardians/ related parties (“Confidential Information”).
Confidential information is, but not limited to: development and behaviour of STUDENTS studying at the SCHOOL, staff, commitments, legal issues, notifications, terms of contract, financial information, whether oral or written, photos, videos, etc.
8.2. It shall not be considered a breach of the obligation not to disclose Confidential Information when:
the information is disseminated by the SCHOOL through the official communication channels; the information is required by virtue of a law applicable to any of the persons; or the provision of the information is required by a regulatory or other competent authority and the respective person shall be obliged to fulfil this requirement. 8.3. The obligations under this Section VIII shall remain in force even after the termination of the Tuition Contract on any grounds.
8.4. In any case of Confidential Information disclosure, the guilty party undertakes to compensate the other party for the damages caused by paying a penalty in the amount of EUR 1,000 /one thousand Euros/ for each individual case. For damages in a larger amount, the party in good standing has the right to seek compensation in the general order.
9.1. The SCHOOL has the right to reject continuance of the STUDENT’s education in the SCHOOL for the next school year as well as to reject signing of the Payment plan therein as per its own discretion, without being liable for any fees or compensation, including in case all amounts due under the Tuition Contract, including the additionally requested by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS activities and/or services related to this STUDENT are not fully paid or have been delayed according to the Payment Plan and/or invoices and/or the announced in the electronic correspondence deadlines, when applicable. The above is applicable also in case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS and the STUDENTS systematically fail to comply with the school Rules and Procedures (http://stgeorgeschool.bg/?page_id=9474&lang=bg ) or harm the reputation of the SCHOOL and/or the teachers, the students and the administrative staff.
9.2. (amended on 31.01.2023) Notwithstanding art. 2.3. of Tuition Contract and art. 3.2.4. of these General Terms and Conditions, after signing of a Payment plant for the respective school year, the SCHOOL is entitled twice per year – in November and in April to index the Tuition fee with the consumer price index published by NSI consumer group “Other services, not included elsewhere”. Any revision shall be calculated proportionately to the school days until the end of the school year with accumulation (the revised fee is a base for performing subsequent revisions), as the relevant summary consumer price index (CPI) shall be added for each of the past months, namely: in November – summary CPI in total for the months from March until October and in April – summary CPI in total for the months from November until February. In this hypothesis the provisions of art., art. and art. 3.2.5. of these General Terms and Conditions are applicable.
9.3. The Parties shall hereby agree that in case of failure to fulfil the contractual provisions by the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS, the SCHOOL shall be entitled to assign and/or subcontract any of its rights and obligations pursuant to the Contract to third parties, for which the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS give their prior unconditional consent. In case the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS’ fail to perform the obligation for payment of any part of the Tuition Fee due in accordance with the Payment Plan and/or other due payments within the announced in the electronic correspondence deadlines, when applicable, the SCHOOL shall be entitled to assign to a subcontractor to undertake actions for out-of-court collection of the delayed amounts, for which the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS give their prior unconditional consent.
9.4. These General Terms and Conditions are elaborated in two identical original counterparts in English and Bulgarian languages, duly signed by authorized representatives of the Parties under the Tuition Contract. In case of any discrepancy or conflict between the wording of the Bulgarian and English versions, the meaning of the Bulgarian Language version shall prevail.
9.5. (amended on 31.01.2023) By signing these General Terms and Conditions, the PARENTS/ GUARDIANS hereby declare that they have received them, they are aware of them and acknowledge them as integral part of the Tuition Contract. The PARENTS/ GUARDIANS agree and unconditionally accept that in case these General Terms and Conditions are being electronically signed using the electronic signature through the Docusign signature platform or another similar platform, the placed electronic signatures would have the power of handwritten signatures and would have the formal evidential power pursuant to art. 13, para. 4 by the Electronic Documentation and Electronic Certifying Services Act.
These General Terms and Conditions are adopted and updated by the Governor of St. George School EOOD on 31.01.2023, amended on 17.07.2023, on 15.12.2023, and on 20.01.2025.