St. George Payment portalParent Portal



For the purposes of these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the following meaning:

SERVICES: all services described on the Modul provided by “Wonder Group” AD (referred to below for brevity as Wonder Group);

PLATFORM: the Modul and all tools, servers, etc.

MODUL: the Modul and all elements of its content, including but not limited to photos, text, videos, etc.

USERS OF THE MODUL – parents/guardians of children who wish to use the services of the camp;

USERS OF THE SERVICE “SUMMER CAMP” – solely children aged 6 to 12.

1. The Modul is a service of “Wonder Group” AD (“the Company”, “WG”, “we”, “us”, “our”), UIC 201181897, and the service includes the Modul, application or other service of the information society provided by WG. The mobile application is also a related service of WG.
2. These general terms and conditions aim to regulate the relationship between WG and the users who use the services provided through the Modul.
3. Access to the services offered by the Modul is granted after the submission of an electronic application by the parent/guardian of the child through the Modul. In all cases, the person who applies for the participation of the child in the Summer Camp 2024 must be the parent/guardian of the respective child. In connection with the use of the Modul and its services, WG will process data of the users (children) and their parents in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy of the Modul.
4. Legal entities are not allowed to use the Modul services.
5. The Modul provides services such as registration for a weekly basis and payment of the due amount for the participation of a child in St. George Summer Camp 2024 organized by Wonder Group.


6. These General Terms regulate the procedure, conditions, and deadlines for applying and paying for St. George Summer Camp 2024 for a child who wishes to attend the camp.
7. St. George Summer Camp 2024 is held in-person and includes group activities in various thematic areas aimed at the overall personal development and improvement of the child within the time limits set by the Law on Education.
8. The summer camp is held in the building of Private High School “St. George,” Sofia, 47 Nikola Vaptsarov Blvd.
9. Periods and duration of the camp: from June 3th, 2023 to August 16th, 2024, with organization and registration on a weekly basis (Monday-Friday) and in the time range from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
10. St. George Summer Camp 2024 is held in the following directions:
• Academic summer camp – aimed at directing children in the development and enrichment of their knowledge of English, Mathematics, and other subjects;
• Sports summer camp – aimed at providing campers with active sports activities and developing all appropriate physical qualities;
10.1. Detailed information on the individual types of camps, as well as their conditions, prices, and implementation methods, is published on the Modul. The company may expand the scope of the services provided, while timely informing the parents/guardians about it. If the number of applicants for a particular type of summer camp is below the minimum required or the type of group is not formed, then that summer camp will not take place, and the paid amounts will be refunded to the parent/guardian’s bank account.
11. The service user can only be a child aged between 6 and 12 years.
12. The parents/guardians confirm their agreement with these General Terms and the related Privacy Policy after marking and explicitly confirming the designated place for this in the application (form) for participation in St. George Summer Camp 2024 on the Modul.


13. The application for a child’s participation in the St. George International School & Preschool Summer Camp 2024 can only be made by filling out the Registration Form published on the Modul.
14. The following information is required to be filled out:
• Child’s information: three names, the school they attend/will attend, personal identification number/national identification number, current grade, child’s age.
• Parent/guardian’s information: name and surname, email, and phone number of the parent.
15. The choice and registration of St. George Summer Camp 2024 is solely made by the parent/guardian who carries parental responsibility for the child.
16. The type of camp that the child will attend is chosen. The registration of the child is on a weekly basis (Monday-Friday), and for each week, it is specified which type of camp, according to the above conditions, the child will attend.
17. When registering the child for the camp, a health questionnaire is mandatory, in which information about the child’s health condition is provided. All known facts about the child’s health condition are provided. In all cases, the School reserves the right to refuse to provide the service in connection with a declared medical condition of the child. Payment by the parent/guardian does not guarantee or reserve a place for the child. In the event of the School’s refusal to hold the summer camp for the child, the School immediately refunds the paid amount to the parent/guardian’s bank account. In this case, the School does not bear any responsibility.
18. The necessary declarations regarding the child’s participation in the camp are filled out. The parent/guardian unconditionally agrees to the relevant checkbox in the declaration, indicating their consent to the declared circumstance or requested action/inaction.
19. Failure to complete the declaration, including the health status (as well as with incorrect data or symbols) is grounds for denying the child’s participation in St. George Summer Camp 2024.
20. After the above confirmation, the parent/guardian should pay the value of the requested weeks through the platform’s interface. Payment made in any other way is not allowed. Amounts paid by other means are refunded back to the parent/guardian’s bank account, and the corresponding activity (service) is not provided to the child.
21. After submitting the application and paying for the desired weeks of the summer camp, the St. George Summer Camp 2024 manager explicitly confirms the child’s participation in the summer camp to the parent/guardian’s email address. To avoid doubts, payment for the selected weeks by the parent/guardian does not guarantee the child’s participation in the summer camp. The confirmation is sent within 2 (two) working days after the application and payment are made in the manner agreed above.
22. In case of the child’s absence from the activities in the summer camp (regardless of the reason) – the fee for them (or part of their value) is not refundable, and the company is not obliged to compensate or refund in any way the unheld activities or their value.
23. These general terms and conditions constitute an agreement between “Wonder Group” AD and an individual – the parent/guardian of the child, wishing to use the services of the summer camp. The agreement is considered concluded and enters into force from the date of written confirmation sent to the email address provided by the St. George Summer Camp 2024 Manager in the manner agreed in item 21 above.
24. Registration and payment for St. George Summer Camp 2024 are made solely electronically through the Modul platform and interface. Conditions other than those provided for in these Terms and Conditions cannot be negotiated.


25. All campers gather at St. George International School building, Sofia, at 8:30 am every day, according to a list checked by the camp leader.
26. Releasing of children: All campers are released by 4:30 pm only to the parent/guardian, or another person specified by the parent/guardian in a written authorization provided to the Camp Management.
27. The company approves the program for each type of camp, which is communicated to the parents/guardians.
28. A one-day excursion for campers outside the campsite is carried out once a week.
28.1. The one-day excursions are conducted by a licensed tour operator.
28.2. During the excursions and outings, accompanying adults are provided to monitor and ensure the safety of the children.
28.3. Prior to the excursions, the children receive initial safety instructions.
28.4. Prior to excursions involving water bodies, the children receive additional safety instructions.
28.5. The transport service is provided by a third party with which the Camp Management has contractual relations.
28.6. The transport service is mandatory to be accompanied by members of the camp staff.
28.7. Excursions are organized during daylight hours.


29. The Teacher/Animator has the right to:
29.1. Organize and conduct the educational process in English, assist in their full integration into the camp activities.
29.2. Receive respect from the management, campers, and parents/guardians.
29.3. Give opinions and make suggestions to the camp management regarding camp activities;
29.4. Receive materials that ensure the effective performance of their duties;
29.5. Choose and apply different methods, means, and techniques for the effective conduct of educational and entertainment activities;
29.6. Notify the camp director of any disciplinary violations by the camper, as well as any incidents that may arise;
29.7. Have their dignity as a teacher/animator protected in case of unfounded actions by parents/guardians, employees of other organizations, and institutions.

30. The Teacher/Animator is obliged to:
30.1. Fulfill their duties conscientiously;
30.2. Ensure the safety and health of the campers during the educational and entertainment activities and other activities organized by them or the camp;
30.3. Encourage positive behavior among the campers;
30.4. Assist the campers in handling problem situations in an appropriate manner.
30.5. Educates campers in adhering to norms and rules of behavior, with any physical harm or humiliating methods of controlling behavior absolutely prohibited;
30.6. Requires campers to follow rules of discipline, dealing consistently and carefully with any negative behavior but also firmly enough;
30.7. Strictly follows the rules for transporting campers, explaining and reminding them daily about the rules of behavior while traveling;
30.8. Monitors the use of English by students during all moments and activities, in order to maintain an English-speaking environment;
30.9. Presents in an appropriate appearance: neat hair, discreet makeup (for women), short and maintained nails, appropriate clothing for a mountain camp (shorts and pants are no shorter than knee-length);
30.10. Follows all legal provisions and instructions from the camp leader.
30.11. Follows the Health Act regarding smoking and the Road Traffic Act;
30.12. Follows all other provisions and internal regulations related to safeguarding the child’s health.

31. The teacher/animator is not allowed to:
31.1. Violate the rights of the camper and harm their personal dignity;
31.2. Apply forms of physical and mental violence against the camper;
31.3. Remove a child from an activity without the knowledge of the camp leader;
31.4. Use their mobile phone during camp activities, except in cases related to the direct activity of the camp; 31.5. Leave their workplace or be separated from the children outside of designated break times;
31.6. Leave entrusted children unsupervised.

32. Camping children have the right to:
32.1. Attend educational and entertaining activities;
32.2. Use the camp facilities during their stay by following the camp program;
32.3. Receive all materials related to the camp program;
32.3. Receive information regarding the current week’s camp activities;
32.4. Students and children may only use their mobile phones in designated cases, for educational purposes and during travel, according to the explicit decision of the accompanying teacher and/or camp leader.

33. The campers do not have the right to:
33.1. Bring food and drinks into the building of St. George International School and Preschool.
33.2. Miss planned camp activities, except in exceptional circumstances and with the express permission of the camp leader;
33.3. Damage the authority and dignity of the camp staff with their behavior;
33.4. Display disrespectful attitude and rude behavior;
33.5. Humiliate and emotionally harm other campers by calling them rude names, insulting them, using language that threatens or stresses them, or engaging in activities that lead to the humiliation of another child; 33.6. Use foul language;
33.7. Use a mobile phone during camp activities, unless expressly permitted by the camp leader.
33.8. Display behavior that discredits the camp and the participants during activities outside the camp.

34. The campers are obliged to:
34.1. Follow the instructions and orders of the head counselor/assistant counselor and accompanying teachers and animators, appointed by order of the camp leader, as well as all instructions given by professional instructors in various activities;
34.2. Wear indoor, clean shoes;
34.3. Follow the rules for safe boarding and disembarking from vehicles, as well as those during travel: travel in a seated position and with a seat belt fastened, without consuming foods and products such as candies, gum, lollipops, and others; observe cleanliness norms in the means of transport;
34.4. Promptly notify camp leaders/animators/teachers or instructors of any health problems, physiological discomfort, or any problem or situation, regardless of their nature.
34.5. Preserve their own property (including property provided by the camp), the property of the camp, and that of the other campers in the group;
34.6. Follow the instructions and norms for cultural and safe behavior while traveling in the minibus;
34.7. Show understanding, tolerance, and respect towards the other campers;
34.8. Follow the norms of behavior in public places – demonstrate excellent behavior, move calmly, speak quietly, and provide assistance if necessary;
34.9. Do not create conditions for accidents or incidents that endanger their own health and/or life, as well as that of the other participants in the camp;
34.10. Follow all instructions given on-site by the summer camp staff for their personal safety, while following the commonly accepted norms of behavior in public places.
34.11. Demonstrate behavior throughout the entire stay at the camp that is appropriate and in accordance with the present regulations, with which all participants are familiar;
34.12. Do not bring any prohibited items such as alcohol, cigarettes, expensive and prohibited electronic devices, into the camp base;
34.13. Follow the daily routine and program of the camp without deviation; for any deviation or delay, seek permission from the camp leader/assistant camp leader;
34.14. Do not leave the camp base without an accompanying member of the camp team; any violation of this rule will lead to the removal of the participant from the camp;
34.15. Wear the required equipment and protective gear, which is a condition for participation in specialized activities, workshops, etc. Participate in the activities dressed appropriately and with a tidy appearance;
34.16. Report any observed violation by another participant in the camp, in accordance with the present Regulations.
34.17. They uphold the authority of the children’s camp;
34.18. They follow the instructions of the coaches/instructors/accompanying staff during the planned activities. If the instructions are not followed during the activity, the staff has the right to stop the child from participating.

35. Disciplinary measures
35.1. In case of the first incident, the child receives a warning and an explanation of why their behavior is inappropriate /if possible, the child is separated from the other children for a certain period of time to reflect on their actions/;
35.2. In case of a second incident, the camp leaders determine the consequences of the child’s actions /such as being deprived of the opportunity to participate in a specific activity/. The parents/guardians of the child are promptly informed by phone about the incident and the measures taken;
35.3. In case of a third incident, the child is expelled from the camp without a refund of the paid fee;
35.4. In case of serious behavioral problems, the camp staff reserves the right to prohibit the child from attending the camp in the future.

36. The parents/guardians have the right to:
36.1. Receive information about their children during the camp;
36.2. Share positive or negative impressions, comments, suggestions regarding the campers and the work of the teachers and animators with the camp management;
36.3. Request and allow their child/student to use the services in accordance with the requirements of these General Terms and Conditions.

37. The parents are obliged to:
37.1. On the first day of their child’s participation in the camp, provide a medical certificate from the personal doctor issued up to 3 (three) days before the start date of the camp, and all other documents required at the time of the child’s enrollment – Declaration for leaving the camp territory. In case of failure to provide a medical certificate, the child will not be accepted into the camp, and the child will be returned to the parent/guardian, and the paid fee for the week (or part of it) will not be refunded by the parent/guardian.
37.2. They familiarize themselves with the current General Terms and mandatory documentation;
37.3. They provide accurate and complete information required for the child participating in the camp;
37.4. They are punctual when picking up the children at the end of the day and at the agreed time.
37.5. In case of emergencies, they can take the child from the camp at any time after informing the camp management;
37.6. They shall be responsible for damages caused by their child to any property during the camp.
37.7. The parent/legal guardian is obliged to be familiar with these General Terms and comply with their provisions.
37.8. The parent/legal guardian is obliged to pay the amounts due for the requested services in accordance with the General Terms and price list.
37.9. The parent/legal guardian is required to be informed about the camp schedule.
37.10. Upon request by the camp management, the parent/legal guardian is obliged to provide documents necessary for exercising rights and fulfilling obligations under these General Terms, provided that such a request is in accordance with the applicable legislation and these General Terms.

38. Parents/legal guardians should be aware that:
38.1. The summer camp management does not recommend children to bring expensive electronic devices such as video games, computers, watches, jewelry, accessories, and others. All electronic devices are kept by the teachers/animators.
38.2. The camp is not responsible for any loss or damage to the personal belongings of the campers.

39. Rights and obligations of the Camp Management:
39.1. The Camp Management has the right to receive all amounts due from the parents/legal guardians for the requested services in a timely manner.
39.2. The Camp Management has the right to supplement and modify the schedule for the summer camp. 39.3. The Camp Management is obliged to comply with the Privacy Policy and Data Protection Policy published on the Modul.
39.4. The Camp Management has the right to refuse to accept a child to the summer camp with a certain parent/legal guardian or to terminate the contract with a certain parent/legal guardian at its discretion without providing reasons. The termination shall enter into force upon sending the declaration to the parents/legal guardians by email.
39.5. In all cases, the Camp Management has the right to refuse to accept a child immediately in the following cases:
1. There is no written confirmation from the camp director for certain weeks of participation and/or payment for the child’s participation in the camp.
2. Failure to provide a medical certificate within the specified deadlines mentioned above;
3. Established impossibility of the summer camp to provide adequate medical care for the child;
4. Incomplete or inaccurate declaration of medical or other circumstances about the child by the parent/guardian.
5. Other cases, at the discretion of the camp director;
39.6. The summer camp is responsible to the parents/guardians for the culpable non-performance of its obligations due to reasons under its control and responsibility.
39.7. The summer camp is not responsible for damages caused when they are not a direct and immediate consequence of its culpable non-performance of obligations. The summer camp is not responsible for damages resulting from unfulfilled activities or participation in the camp. The summer camp is not responsible for non-performance of its obligations when the non-performance is a result of a force majeure event for the duration of the force majeure event.


40. By accessing the services through the Modul, you accept and agree to comply with the following terms and conditions. If you do not accept them, you do not have the right and possibility to use the Modul and its services.
41. The summer camp has the right to add and discontinue services on the Modul, change the structure, access and registration methods, and terminate their use by individual or all users.
42. The summer camp has the right to unilaterally and without notice terminate access to the services provided to the User if the latter damages their reputation, violates the applicable law in the Republic of Bulgaria, international acts, or threatens the functionality of the means of providing services, including persons, and if it endangers or hinders the use of the services by other users.
43. The summer camp has the right to provide all available information about the actions and identity of the User in case of unlawful actions under these general terms and conditions or upon a lawful request from competent authorities.
44. The summer camp has the right to terminate access to services for users who use the services for commercial or advertising purposes or for the development and provision of their own services, unless otherwise regulated in a written agreement with the summer camp.
45. The summer camp is not responsible for interruption or deterioration of the quality of the provided services due to force majeure according to the Commercial Law or network overload.
46. The summer camp is not responsible for any potential injuries, damages, or losses caused to the child during their participation in the summer camp, except in cases of proven fault or intent of the summer camp staff.
47. The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages or losses, or for any business interruption, resulting from the use of or inability to use the Modul or any of its services, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
48. The Company shall not be responsible for any user’s inability to use any individual service provided on the Modul.
49. The Company shall not be liable for any claims made by third parties against users relating to the use of the services.
50. The services provided on the Modul may only be used by users who have accepted these General Terms and Conditions and any specific terms and conditions applicable to the respective services, if any.
51. Users may not make any claims against the Company for any failed payment if:
* their bank refuses to make the payment for any reason;
* their bank is unable to make the payment, regardless of the reasons (such as being placed under special supervision, declared insolvent, temporarily insolvent, etc.).
52. The Company will never send emails urging users to update their data or profiles on the Portal, or to provide their password and/or username, credit card information, or any other personal identification information. If a user receives such a message, they should consider it a scam and under no circumstances should they open the links provided or enter their personal and/or financial information.
53. The Company reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions, and any such modifications shall be effective from the date of their publication on the Modul.
54. Any issues not covered by these General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.
55. Any disputes arising from the existence, performance, interpretation, or termination of the agreement shall be resolved by the parties in good faith through negotiations, consultations, and mutually beneficial agreements, and in the event of failure to reach an agreement, by the competent state court under the conditions of the Civil Procedure Code, at the choice of the plaintiff (the party requesting resolution of the dispute).

Last updated: March 27, 2024

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