Tuition and classes fee The Preschool works all year round.
A. For the children in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception, Year 1 the classes begin in September and ends in June. For this period the Tuition Fee could be paid in one, two, three, or ten instalments. For the summer months July and August, the Tuition fee could be paid in one or two instalments. In case the parents notify the preschool about the days of non-attendance in the period July-August by 15th of May, then for these non-attendance days the parents may use a discount at the size of 50% of the fee.
B. For the children in Preparatory group the classes begin on 15th September and ends on 31st May. For this period the tuition fee can be paid in one, two, three or ten instalments. For the period June-August the parents can enroll the children in a summer camp on a weekly basis with additional payment.
The tuition fee covers :
Teaching process in accordance with the age of the child and according to the State Education Standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria and internationally recognised programs determined by the Preschool apart of the compulsory school classes. Food for the children from Pre-Nursery to Year 1 groups included – the children have four meals per day: breakfast, morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. Speech status of the children aged 4 or older – performed twice a year. Annual accident insurance. Educational visits to cultural and historical places of interest in the city of Sofia, museums, etc. (for children aged 4 or older). Additional expenses:
Participation in sport, music, applied, performing and fine arts and other blocks outside the compulsory school classes. Educational resources. Admission fee – when applying for preparatory group. Exams fee – for the children, enrolled in preparatory group. Food – for children, enrolled in preparatory groups. Fresh – for children, enrolled in preparatory groups - optional. Transport (for children aged 3 or older). White and Green Schools (for children aged 4 or older) - optional. Weekly summer camp (for children above 6 years of age) – optional. Uniform
Administrative fee The administrative fee is 160 euro. It is a lump-sum and applies for newly enrolled children in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1 age group. It is due when applying to St. George International Preschool and submitting an Admission Application. It covers expenses for exam of documents and the subsequent administrative services. This fee is not subject to reimbursement unless in cases of denied admission due to the lack of places in the respective age group.
Admission fee The Admission fee is 500 euro. It is a one-off payment and it is not subject to reimbursement. It is due when applying to St. George International School and Preschool for admission in Preparatory group (Year 2). The fee covers expenses for exam of documents, stay of the candidate at the school on a trial day with food included, entry exam and the subsequent administrative services.
Children, enrolled in St. George International School and Preschool for the current school year and applying for preparatory group for the next school year use a 50% discount from the amount of the admission fee for new children.
Guarantee deposit The guarantee deposit is 1000 euro. It is a lump-sum that has to be paid when signing the contract. It may serve as a compensation for damages caused by the child to the facilities used for the tuition process or delays in payment. It is a subject to reimbursement after the completion of tuition in the preschool.
Educational Resources Educational Resources fee covers the usage and subscription to online platforms, basic and additional textbooks, training and school materials, required for the educational process, etc. The amount of Educational Resources fee is determined for every school year. It is due with the first instalment according to the payment plan chosen by the parents, it is paid separately from the annual tuition fee and it is not subject to reimbursement in case of leaving the kindergarten.
Exams fee In the beginning of every school year the students from preparatory groups must pass an external assessment to determine the level of English language proficiency, for which there is an exams fee due.
It is determined for every school year and is due with the first instalment according to the payment plan chosen by the parents, it is paid separately from the annual tuition fee and is not a subject to reimbursement in case of termination of the tuition contract.
Food The students have four meals per day, prepared on site in the preschool : breakfast, morning snack, lunch with a choice of 4 dishes (salad, soup, main dish and dessert) and afternoon snack.
A. For the children in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1 the food fee is included in the tuition fee.
B. For the children, enrolled in Preparatory group food fee is calculated and paid separately from the annual tuition fee and is in the amount of 12 euro per day . The fee is formed based on the number of school days for the period 15th September – 31st May and is paid in one (annual) or two instalments (prior to the beginning of each term). In July/August a recalculation is performed, and any unused amount paid for food for the days of absence of the child with a valid reason is reimbursed. During lunch the children must option to choose between several dishes, salads, and desserts. The parents can request the addition of fresh juice once per day with the afternoon snack, the cost is 2 euro per juice.
Transport The service is provided by an independent licensed company for student transportation according to their own set terms and conditions. The transport fee is calculated and paid separately from the annual fee according to the method of payment chosen by the parents. Communication in relation to requesting, organisation and administration of the service is established directly between parents and driver as every parent, who has requested a transportation service, signs an individual contract with the transport company. The transport service is provided for children aged 3 or older according to the transport schedule of the students in primary stage in St. George International School (from 15.09.2024 until 31.05.2025). During the school holidays of St. George International School the service is not provided for children from the kindergarten.
Sport, music, applied, performing and fine arts and other blocks outside the compulsory school classes Children aged 3 or above may be enrolled in a program for extracurricular activities and sports according to their age and for an additional fee. The parents request the participation of the child and make the relevant payment through the electronic platform of the organization in line with a schedule completed by the preschool. The fee for participating in these blocks is not subject to reimbursement in case of refusal to visit the activities.
Signing the contract The contract must be signed after received confirmation for admission of the applicant and ends with the completion of the tuition of the child in the preschool. A Payment plan is enclosed to the tuition contract according to the requested by the parents’ method of payment of the tuition fee for the respective school year. The payment plan is subject to annual resigning.
A. For the children, enrolled in Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception groups the financial conditions and fees for returning children can apply for the next academic year if the parents/guardians sign an updated payment plan until 31st May.
B. The children, enrolled in Year 1 groups who wish to continue their education in preparatory group for the next academic year, pass through an internal exam procedure in January according to the deadlines announced by the Preschool. In case of a positive statement for enrolment, parents must sign an updated payment plan until 15th February in order the conditions for returning children to apply.
If an updated payment plan for the next school year is not signed for a child enrolled during the current academic year until the deadlines enlisted above as well as no payment is made within the set time frame, the Preschool may terminate the tuition contract. A new contract can be concluded at a later stage if there are vacancies and under the conditions for new students.
Enrolment after the start of the school year In case of enrolment of a child after the start of the school year, the tuition fee is proportionately reduced to the school days missed by the child from the beginning to the start date of the child. Educational resources fee, exams fee, administrative fee, admission fee, administration fee and guarantee deposit are not a subject of reduction.
Adaption period on initial admission At the end of the first month after the enrolment of the children, the Preschool makes an analysis of their adaptation and integration in the group. If necessary the Preschool has the right to offer the parents/guardians delay of the enrolment for a later stage or to terminate the tuition contract. In case of termination of the contract due to the above-mentioned criteria, the tuition fee, educational resources fee and the food fee (if applicable) are a subject of proportional reimbursement. Administrative fee, admission fee and exams fee (if applicable) are not refundable.
Waiting list In case there are no vacancies at the date of submission of the Admission application, the parents may request their inclusion in the waiting list by submitting an e-mail request. When a new group is formed or a place is released in the respective age group, the parents are notified in the order of submission of the request for inclusion in the waiting list.
Saving a place (applicable only for admission in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1) If parents submit an Admission application, in which the preferred date of admission in the preschool is after the start of the school year, they owe a fee for saving the place in the amount of 425 euro per month from the date of signing the Contract for education until the first day of the child in St. George International Preschool. The contract should be signed within 14 days after the date of admission is fixed and after receiving a statement from the preschool that the child can be enrolled.
Fees discounts Discounts from the tuition fee: a 5% discount is provided upon enrolment of a second child from one family; a 10% discount – for each subsequent child from the family, and for twins – 15% discount for one of the twins. Discounts do not apply to: guarantee deposit, administration fee, admission fee, educational resources fee, Green and White schools and participation in additional activities and sports
Leave school before the end of the school year A. For children, enrolled in Pre-Nursery, Nursery, Reception and Year 1: In case of termination of a child’s tuition contract before the end of the school year and a kept requirement for one-month notice, the tuition fee is reimbursed proportionally based on the requested leave date.The educational resources fee and the administration fee are not subject to reimbursement.
B. For children, enrolled in Preparatory group: In case of termination of a student’s tuition contract before the end of the school year and a kept requirement for one-month notice, the tuition fee is reimbursed based on the requested leave date according to the following periods: from 15 September until 30 October - 25%; from 1 November until 31 January - 20%; from 1 February until 31 March - 15%.
The educational resources fee, the admission fee and the exams fee are not subject to reimbursement.