The health and safety of our students and staff are of paramount importance at Saint George International School and Preschool. During times of COVID-19, it is necessary to provide the most adequate measures of safe working conditions, and education in a healthy environment, allowing fully-fledged conditions for education and work in school and preschool, while still all epidemic measures are met.
Health and safety legislation places duties on employers for the health and safety of their employees and anyone else on the premises of the school and preschool. This includes responsibility for all the heads and teachers, support staff, pupils and visitors including contractors. The First Aid Policy described is for the use of all staff within St. George International School and Preschool. All nurses and school/preschool staff must be familiar with this document.
Glossary of Terms:
Appointed person: A person who takes charge when someone is injured or becomes ill, looks after the first aid equipment and ensures that an ambulance or other medical professional help is summoned when required. The appointed people are not first aiders. They should not give first aid treatment for which they have not received training for. However, it is good practice to ensure that appointed people go through an emergency first aid course or refresher training, as appropriate.
First aider: A qualified person who gives immediate help to casualties with common injuries and illnesses or such emanating from specific hazards at school. When necessary, ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is called.
Pediatric first aider : A person who can administer emergency treatment to any injured or sick children before professional medical care is available and has a current pediatric first aid (PFA) certificate.
The purpose of this medical policy is to provide clear guidelines to follow in situations relating to the medical health and safety of students both on and off the perimeters of the school/ preschool.
The nurses at St. George International School and Preschool have access to a defibrillator and are fully trained to use it onsite. They are able to administer emergency first aid with its help. No member of staff is allowed to use this equipment, unless specific training has been given, and in agreement with the Head of School and Head of Preschool.
Aim and Objectives
Our aims are that the health and medical needs of students are met fully and in a timely manner.
Furthermore, the children’s emergency needs should be met quickly, without hesitation by well-trained and supported staff.
Appointed People
Several full-time, fully qualified medical nurses are based on the school’s sites and are the designated people in charge of all first aid and medical issues, that may arise. There are many staff members who are trained to provide first aid within the school and preschool. Staff working closely with students with diagnosed health problems are given additional training as and when necessary.
All staff are able to administer basic first aid and have completed a basic certified training course which complies with all best practices.
How to contact the school nurses at St. George International School and Preschool:
School nurses:
Nurse Velichka Georgieva: 0899992799
Nurse Dora Davidova
By email:
The school nurses’ working hours are from 7:00 am until 6:00 pm – Monday to Friday. Only one nurse will be onsite in the preschool after 4:30 pm due to the rotational shifts.
* Please, bear in mind that only one nurse will be on site after 5:00 pm and is also responsible for children pick up in the Preschool until all children are picked up!
How to contact the preschool nurses at St. George International Preschool:
Preschool nurse:
Nurse Viola Shopova: 088 441 0006
Nurse Polina Koleva
By email:
The preschool’s working hours are from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm – Monday to Friday.
All staff must know:
The location of the nearest first aid boxes. How to contact the emergency service (112). How to contact the school and preschool nurses. How to never cause distress and panic if a child requires emergency first aid. To remain calm and reassure the pupil. If severe distress is evident, they must talk to the child in a reassuring calm tone. To call emergency services if deemed necessary. Never wait on and delay treatment in an emergency situation. Never provide emergency first aid, unless they are qualified to do so, and know exactly what they should be doing in the situation. New students
All parents must present a copy of the vaccination passport and a document from the doctor, which states that the student is healthy and fit to enter the school/ preschool. If the student has a medical or chronic condition, they must present a medical document, signed and stamped, by a doctor, containing the name of the illness/disease and the emergency medication needed. For conditions which need medical supervision and ongoing treatment then Reception will send the parents the necessary forms to fill in and return to the school/ preschool. It is the nurses’ responsibility to take care of all students’ medication and administer it in the school and preschool. If another member of staff is to administer, then specific authorisation must be given by the Head of School/Preschool. Reception must inform the parents of every new student of the procedure for administering medicine in school/ preschool. If the student has a medical condition, the Admissions department must send the medical information to the nurses and teachers. The vaccination passport must be sent before the first day of school. Doctors or medical practitioners' documentation is absolutely necessary for verification. If a student has not had all the required vaccinations, the school/ preschool nurse will advise parents to seek medical advice and ensure that all correct procedures are followed, with the necessary documentation. As the pupil will not be admitted until such documents are provided. (Specifically, health documentation for the children in the preschool.) If a student is re-registered for a new school year, it is mandatory that the parents update the vaccination records. Reception will notify the parents to provide any information regarding new medical conditions recently discovered or new vaccinations and will submit newly received information to the nurses. All documentation required is listed by the admission staff at the entry stage, and upon signing the school/ preschool’s official documentation. A list of required documentation is given upon the application and entry process. Specifically, for the preschool: all documentation is required (including medical documents) on the first day of entry. The preschool nurse along with reception will check all official documentation. This will need to be verified for the child’s first day of entry.
For the school, this documentation is required to be given until 15.10.2022.
1. Medication and storage
All medication is to be kept in the nurse’s office in a safe and lockable cupboard. The nurse is responsible for checking and replacing any missing items from the first aid kit. First aid kits are available for all staff to use for minor injuries. First aid kits must be regularly checked, dates of use logged and products which are expired to be disposed of safely. First aid kits must be sterile, clean, and ready for use. A First aid kit must be taken when on school/ preschool trips off-site. This kit must be checked prior to departure and a record of use (if applicable) on the trip must be made. It is the nurse’s duty to check and maintain the contents of all first aid kits on each floor, and in the medical room, or anywhere first aid is required. 2. Administration of medicine
Non-prescribed medication, including creams and lotions, home-remedies, and homeopathic medicine cannot be administered to students by themselves, or by any member of St. George International School and Preschool staff. School and Preschool nurses must not administer herbal, homeopathic remedies or given treatment when requested by the parents of children of the school. The following cannot be given even with the parent’s written consent. Prescribed treatment can only be given for chronical and severe health conditions (e.g. asthma), emergency first aid and specific, agreed medicines which are essential to a child’s health and living needs. These must be always submitted and signed by a medical professional. For children with chronic health conditions, a register of them must be easily accessible to the nurse in the medical office and kept in a secure place. Prescribed medication can only be administered by the school/ preschool nurse or teacher (if the nurse is not available) and if the parent has agreed with a written consent for this to take place. The Head of School/ Preschool must always be informed of such instances and written request must be given. If a student informs the teacher that they have been given medicine by their parents to take in school, or if the teacher finds medicine in a student’s school bag, and if they have not been informed about it by the parents, then they must send the student along with the medicine to the medical room. The school/ preschool nurse will contact the parents immediately to ask information about the medicine. All medication in such instances will be returned to the parents and explained that this is not in line with St. George International School and Preschool’s procedures. A follow up may be required and as well as notifying to the class teacher and Senior Management Team (SMT). If a child is sick, except for chronic conditions, then the nurses must inform the parents, by phone or email, to come and take their child home. When the pupil returns to school/ preschool, a medical document must be provided stating that they are clinically healthy to attend. Medication without a doctor’s prescription can be given by the nurse or teacher only after written consent from the parent. If the parent is unavailable, and depending on the seriousness of the case, the medical nurse can give medication according to the emergency first aid procedures. The parent will be informed in writing, by email and will be asked to confirm receipt. SMT must be informed immediately of all situations and all measures taken at the time. All incidents are to be recorded on the school platform. The nurses must wear gloves when administering medication. It is the form/ class/ subject teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the student visits the medical room at the correct time to administer medication, for chronic and first aid conditions. Any chronical condition’s medication (ventilators, Epipen etc.) must be provided by the parents and accompanied by a letter stating exactly how and when why are to be administered and to include the doctor’s prescription. Parents are also asked to come to school/ preschool to instruct the nurse what to do in certain circumstances. Emergency medication will be labelled with the student’s name and be kept in a lockable cupboard. This is again recorded in the school platform. 3. Student’s refusal to take medication
In case a student refuses to take the medication, the parents should be advised by phone immediately by the nurse, and confirmation in writing that same day by email, as a record of the incident. It is also reflected in the school platform. A signed and dated entry should be made in the accident book. All such instances to be recorded and reported on the school platform. 4. Illness
If a student feels ill, a member of staff must take them to the nurse. No pupils should be going alone to the medical office or being accompanied only by another student. With regard to medical needs, supervision is always required by staff. Only in extreme circumstances is a pupil allowed to be accompanied by another student if they feel unwell. If the pupil is not feeling well and the nurse claims he no longer can participate in school, then she needs to immediately inform the parents to come and collect the student. This must be recorded and registered on the school platforms and the respective Heads of Stage should be informed. If the parents cannot take the pupil right away, they must wait and rest in the medical office. If this period gets extended, SMT must be informed so they can contact the parents and ensure that the child’s well-being is considered. If the illness is contagious or there was a long period of absence, the school/ preschool must request a medical note stating its health and that it can resume participation in school/ preschool activities. The administration along with the nurses must track all medical notes. All documents related to such must be easily accessible and SMT must be informed. 4.1 Absence of staff and children
When a staff member is absent, a sick leave document is required and presented to the Head of School and Head of Preschool. This is applicable to all staff. In case of pupil absence due to sickness and when they are not able to participate in school/ preschool activities, a medical note is required from a general practitioner and presented to reception and accepted by a nurse or class master. If any of the staff members notice a child being sick, they must inform their class master and nurse. 5. Accidents
Small accidents (cuts and bruises)
All small cuts and bruises should be cleaned with water or sterile disinfectant by the school nurse. In most cases where bleeding is absent, cleaning with water will suffice. Individually wrapped sterile plasters will be used only in case of bleeding. In this case, use disinfectant on a sterile dressing to clean the wound from the centre outwards. Only apply the plaster when no more traces of dirt are visible in the wound. Do not apply the plaster if there is a known allergy to such products; use a wrapped sterile bandage instead. In case of head injury, a phone call will be made by the nurse (or in her absence, by the form/class/subject teacher) to inform the parents and Appendix D documentation completed. The parents will be informed in the case of head injury to the skull or temple regions, as a concussion can reveal itself later. All bumps to the head should be communicated to the parents, via telephone or email (in case the phone connection is not possible), and the parents must come to collect the child. The child is then checked by a medical professional and can then be returned to school/ preschool. This places the school and preschool in a position to use best practices and aims to protect its staff from liability issues which could occur. In case of minor accidents, the nurse must inform the parents and send a formal notification, log and record the incident on the school platform and the incident book, inform duly the SMT of the school or preschool respectively. 6. Serious Accidents or emergency
In case of serious accidents, the nurse should be contacted immediately, and the nurse should reach the place of the accident and apply first aid. A member of staff needs to inform Reception immediately in order to call an ambulance, to call the parents to ask them to meet the ambulance at the hospital, which will be accompanied by a member of the staff from St. George International School and Preschool. A member of staff will stay at the hospital until the parents/ guardians arrive. An entry on the school platform is completed as soon as possible. An email to the parents is submitted by the school/ preschool nurse, or SMT if the nurse is not available, without delay – explaining the situation and a brief summary of the incident. In case of a school/ preschool bus accident on the way to school/ preschool, or home, then the nurses and Reception must be informed immediately, and Reception will inform the parents. If they do not have to go to the hospital, then all students and staff must visit the school/ preschool nurse on arrival at school/ preschool. The parents/guardians should be informed by the school/preschool nurse for their health condition. A school/ preschool nurse will always be on all school/ preschool trips . This is to provide first aid and care if necessary. All orders and documentation must be completed with the names of designated persons and nurses. Advice in case of serious injury and how to administer basic first aid:
Knowing what to do in an emergency is vitally important. If someone is injured, the following steps will keep them safe as possible until professional help arrives:
Keep calm. If people are seriously injured, call for an ambulance immediately (112) and contact the nurse. Instruct someone else to call 112, and the nurse, if you are administering first aid and the situation is deemed serious. Make sure that you and the injured person are not in danger. Assess the injured person carefully and act on your findings using the basic first aid steps below. Keep an eye on the injured person’s condition until the nurse or emergency services arrive. Talk to the person receiving first aid and reassure them that help is coming. 7. Unconsciousness Bleeding
If the person, or child, is unconscious with no obvious sign of life, call for an ambulance immediately (112) and then the nurse. If you or any bystander have the necessary skills, give them mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while you wait for the nurse.
Control severe bleeding by applying firm, constant pressure to the wound using a clean, dry dressing and raise it above the level of the heart. Lay the person down, reassure them, keep them warm and loosen tight clothing.
8. Burns and Broken bones
For all burns, cool with water for at least 10 minutes. Do not apply dry dressing, keep the patient warm.
9. Allergic reaction - Anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction to different triggers like food, medicine, pollen, animals etc. If a parent knows that the student suffers from anaphylaxis, a medical form has to be filled, by a doctor and to be presented to St. George International School and Preschool. Admissions team must inform the nurse and form/class/subject teachers about students at risk of anaphylaxis. Any emergency medication (Epipen) must be provided by the parents and accompanied by a letter stating exactly how and when they are to be administered and include the doctor’s prescription. Parents are also asked to come to school to instruct the nurse what to do in certain circumstances. Emergency medication will be labelled with the student’s name and kept in a lockable cupboard. Students with allergies are more at risk than others, asthma in addition to allergies, may be at increased risk of having a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis reaction can involve more than one system of the body.
Respiratory system: itchiness, watery eyes, difficulty breathing, tightness in the throat or feeling like the throat or airways are closing, change of voice, hoarseness or trouble speaking, sneezing to the point of triggering asthma with coughing and wheezing.
Cardiovascular system: lightheaded or faint (loss of consciousness), fast heartbeat or pulse, weak pulse.
Gastrointestinal system: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, a metallic taste in the mouth.
Skin reactions: warmth, itchiness, red, bumpy rashes (hives).
What to do when a pupil has an anaphylactic reaction:
Call the nurse and contact the office to call an ambulance (112).
The nurse must take the child to the medical room for immediate treatment; parents to be notified.
We do not use an Epipen.
10. Infectious diseases
In case of an infectious disease the nurse and SMT are informed. The nurse informs the Health and Safety committee and teachers. The canteen and all other necessary areas will be disinfected. In case of an epidemic, more than 5% from class or a building, is necessary for the nurse to inform the maintenance team to organise a proper disinfection.
11. Head lice
The nurse checks all students at the beginning of each month for head lice, as part of the schools’ protocol. If the case where head lice are discovered in any class or group, and the child has siblings in different year group, then the next classes which need to be checked are the ones of the siblings. The nurses must inform SMT of any confirmed cases of head lice. The nurse informs the parents of the students in question and asks them to take immediate action. Following the phone conversation, an email is sent to the parents. The nurse sends an email to the Head of school/ preschool, Heads of Primary and Secondary level, class teachers to inform them about the information sent out to the parents. A follow up check is needed in the affected classes to confirm there are not more parasites. The affected students can return to school/ preschool only after they are well cleaned and there are no living or dead lice/nits on their head. In the morning, the nurse must check all students that were returned home for such reason. After the nurse approves that there are no parasites, the child may return to their academic activities. 12. Infectious diseases - (according to the ordinance it is required to notify the regional health inspector within 24 hours): When notifying of infectious diseases and reporting such cases (regulated by Ordinance № 21/2005), nurses within St. George School and Preschool are obliged to report such cases in the list below. They must be reported within 24 hours to the CEO, Head of School and Manager of Healthy and Safe conditions of education and work, as the latter has the obligation to report to the Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate / RHI / within the set deadlines in case of identified infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are listed by the Ministry of Health in Annex 1, part of Ordinance № 21/2005 (subject to mandatory registration, notification, and reporting). List of mandatory (parasitic) diseases (see Annex F).
Internal procedure for the above diseases (ref. 12):
• The administration informs the nurse, SMT and teachers of confirmed cases.
• The nurse should check all students in the grade in which a case was reported and all other classes in which they have siblings.
• An email should be sent describing the symptoms to inform the parents of the affected classes with a confirmed case of infectious disease.
• Students will be able to rejoin the class after treatment and after receiving a note from the doctor that they are ready to return to school/ preschool.
• For the preschool: If students do not present a note from the doctor when re-joining the preschool activities they need to be sent to the medical room to be checked in order to stay in preschool. The nurse is to inform SMT and Preschool Reception and Preschool Reception has to request from the parents a note from the doctor stating that the student is well and able to return to preschool.
• For the school: The doctor issues a medical note certifying the need to be away from school for medical reasons. This note is needed to excuse the students’ absences from school, but GPs have no obligation to issue a note that they are healthy and ready to return to school.
13. COVID-19 - acute infectious disease by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2
There is a prepared protection action plan with measures taken in St. George School and Preschool. The buildings are open in their full functionality, which should be used in compliance with the principle of non-interaction of the students from different stages of education, social distance and good hygiene practices. After arriving at a school/ preschool, students are directed along marked routes to their designated places. The temperature of each student is measured daily at the entrances of both buildings. If any signs of disease are observed and/ or a temperature higher than 37.3 degrees is measured, they are not allowed to enter inside. All entrances of SGIS and SGP are equipped with thermal cameras for monitoring body temperature, through which all students, teachers, administrative staff, etc. should pass. The body temperature monitoring system is monitored by a Receptionist, and in case of fever or suspected presence of flu-like symptoms and visible unhealthy condition, the student is immediately separated by the nurse in the isolation room. Wearing a mask is mandatory for all in the common closed parts of the school building except in permissible exceptions. Four protocols of action in the presence of COVID-19 in the building have been developed, which all staff and parents are familiar with. Disinfection of surfaces is performed twice a day (before and after the school day). Wet cleaning and disinfection of all critical points is preformed - school floors, teachers' and students' desks, tables, door handles, windows, light switches, elevator buttons, railings, appliances, screens, toilet bowls, sinks, taps, etc. Teachers are responsible for children leaving the classroom only when the classroom is tidy and ready for disinfection.
Scheduled machine disinfection is carried out in order to disinfect all rooms in the buildings. In case of a positive result for COVID-19 by a student/ adult from the school staff confirmed by the PCR method, a Protocol is implemented, according to the Guidelines for the operation of the school education system during the academic year 2020-2021 in the circumstances of COVID-19, including all introduced requirements of the current Bulgarian regulations. 14. Impetigo, Scabies and hand, foot and mouth disease, Strep Throat or Pneumonia, Conjunctivitis
Administration is to inform about confirmed cases the nurse, SMT and all the teachers. The nurse must check all students in a grade where a confirmed case was reported and the grades of any siblings. An email informing parents that there has been a confirmed case in the school/ preschool is to be sent out by Reception and another one with description of all symptoms to parents of affected grades, on the same day. Students will be allowed to join the class again after they are treated and after receiving a note from the doctor stating that they are ready to return to school/ preschool. As specified previously for other infections, disease and illness:
• For the preschool: If the student does not present a note from the doctor when re-joining the preschool activities, the student needs to be sent to the medical room to be checked in order to stay in preschool. The nurse is to inform SMT and Preschool Reception, and Preschool Reception to request from the parents a note from the doctor stating that the student is well and able to return to preschool.
• For the school: The doctor issues a medical note certifying the need to be away from school for medical reasons. This note is needed to excuse the students’ absences from school, but GPs have no obligation to issue a note that they are healthy and ready to return to school.
15. Intestinal worms
An email informing parents of intestinal worms' case and information on symptoms is sent by Reception on the same day. 16. Diarrhea, vomiting
If a student has diarrhea, vomiting or temperature above 37, 1 ° C, the nurse is obliged to call the parents and ask them to come and pick up the child. If there is only one isolated episode, the student will have to be kept at home 24 hours after the last case. As specified above for other infections, disease and illness:
• For the preschool: If the student does not present a note from the doctor when re-joining preschool activities, the student needs to be sent to the medical room to be checked in order to stay in preschool. The nurse is to inform SMT and Preschool Reception, and Preschool Reception to request from the parents a note from the doctor stating that the student is well and able to return to preschool.
• For the school: The doctor issues a medical note certifying the need to be away from school for medical reasons. This note is needed to excuse the students’ absences from school, but GPs have no obligation to issue a note that they are healthy and ready to return to school.
17. Medical Checks
A documented medical evaluation is needed on the full physical health status of all children and students - this is done by GPs, but medical professionals play a significant role in diagnosing a disease (problem).
The school psychologist is responsible for monitoring the social and emotional development of children. For the preschool: Examination for intestinal parasites and an anal sample is taken once a year. Growth retardation is most often the result of endocrine diseases that require timely treatment. The school medical specialist also plays a role in monitoring overweight among students, healthy eating, and sufficient physical activity. When measuring blood pressure, arterial hypertension is sometimes found (a sign of kidney, cardiovascular or metabolic disease). Identifying enlarged lymph nodes, accompanied or not by enlarged spleen and liver, leads to some local infections, hematological diseases and chronic diseases. Depending on the child's appearance, the specialist may suspect anemia of congenital or acquired origin. A careful examination may also reveal change in heart tones, initial signs of difficulty breathing (most often due to allergy), latent kidney disease, stomach problems. Vision problems (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism) often go undetected by parents. It is important that eye diseases are detected and corrected in time, because the delay can cost a faster progression of myopia, for example, and some unpleasant symptoms such as headaches, frequent blinking, redness of the eyelids. With school-aged children is observed more specific diseases such as spinal deformities (scoliosis), requiring treatment with medical gymnastics and work with a physiotherapist. Some children with mental stress are prone to have more headaches and high blood pressure (so-called hyperreactors). Other specific problems are related to puberty (psychogenic reactions and acne). Performing preventive examinations together with a specialist. If a student is not feeling well, the nurse should examine him/ her and, if necessary, should be returned home. The nurse must contact the parents to inform them and ask them to pick up their child. The nurse should immediately inform and Heads of stages and Head of School. 18. Medical records
All medical records (vaccination records, medical documents) are to be kept with the registration file with administration, and a copy should be in the medical office. Keeping up to date all the obligatory medical documentation. A log is kept by the nurse on paper and is recorded on the school platform. This contains an entry with date, hour, name, class, symptoms, and actions taken for every student that visits the nurse. This is mandatory and a full record for the academic year is to be available for inspection at all times. An Accident Report is completed, in case of a serious accident, by the adult witness of the accident. An email is sent to the SMT of the School or the preschool, the class teacher and the Reception in case of a serious accident or if the child is leaving early. Equipment and Locations
St. George International School and Preschool has accessible First Aid Kits, each clearly marked with a green cross on a white background. They are located throughout the school and preschool buildings, playgrounds, and vehicles, and their locations are listed in Appendix B. There is at least one kit on each floor of the main school and preschool building, all near drinking fountains. A portable kit is kept in the medical office to be taken on off-site school activities by qualified First Aiders. Locations are verified regularly when contents are checked.
Each First Aid kit is stocked with the appropriate supplies - see Appendix B. The contents are checked on a regular basis by the nurse and the supplies are replenished in case they have been used. Any member of staff who uses the content of a First Aid Kit informs the nurses by email. The First Aid Kit is then immediately replenished.
Specific Risks
Certain activities and events are known to carry a higher risk of injury than others, such as Physical Education, Extracurricular Activities, Science, out-of-school trips, special events, and road safety. Specific areas may also be made more hazardous during site cleaning, repair or construction works, storage of cleaning materials, etc. The Risk Assessments are prepared by the Head of School/ Preschool or class masters and head of departments.
When applicable, the portable First Aid Kit is taken from the medical office by a qualified First Aider. Lunchtime and breaks are also higher risk periods, and it is important that during playtime and other, the supervisory staff include at least one qualified First Aider on the occasions. The school’s policy is to have at least one first aider kit and at least one qualified First Aider on each floor of the school building. Certain staff or students may also present medical conditions of which first aiders should be aware. The nurses are responsible for ensuring that all first aiders are aware of persons with special health needs, e.g. diabetics, epileptic, asthmatic, and the treatment they require.
Procedure in Event Requiring the Use of First Aid
If an injury or illness occurs to a student while under the supervision of a member of staff, the preferred course of action is to have the responsible staff member bring the student to the Health Office for care. A nurse is available to always provide First Aid during regular school hours. The nurses' current phone numbers are listed above. The type of care provided depends on the type of injury or illness suffered by the student. The Nurse provides best possible care and determines if the student is to be sent back to class, home or hospital. First Aid may also be delivered at the site of the injury by other trained staff who will call for additional help 9e.g. Nurse or ambulance) if necessary. Whoever treats the injury/ illness must log the necessary report as soon as possible after the event, for the Health Office records.
In the case of extreme emergency, 112 should be called immediately to activate the emergency response service. Following the call to 112, stabilising measures are to be taken, including the use of First Aid.
Documentation and Communication
All members of staff and volunteers will be informed of this policy through staff meetings, email communication, and through copies of this policy (in English and Bulgarian) being posted in each school building and on each floor of the main building, including the Health Office, and being included in the staff handbook. New staff will cover this policy during their induction. Students will be informed through assemblies and Class teachers. All injuries or illnesses in which First Aid is required are documented in the Nurses Activity Book, as required by Bulgarian law. They are also documented in the school platform. They will contain a list, not excluded:
Student name Date Grade Arrival time in Health Office Departure time in Health Office What the health issue is, which is/has being/been addressed Symptoms Evaluation Assessment Plan Distribution Communications
Parents Teachers Head of School/ Preschool Other Records of all incidents and accidents will be retained by the school for at least three years.
Laws and Regulations
The current policy was prepared in accordance with Ordinance № 3 of 27.04. 2000 for medical service in preschool and school; Law on Health and Safety at Work; First Aid Rules for Health Damage at work approved by Order № RD-09-410, published in The State Newspaper issue 98 dated 1994.
The medical offices are furnished according to Annex 1 of Ordinance № 3 of 27.04.2000 г. for healthcare facilities in preschool and schools.
The medical offices must be equipped with a special cabinet to provide emergency care with medicine and tools according to Annex 2 of the same regulation.
The medical offices shall be provided with all necessary documentation according to Annex 3 of the above-mentioned ordinance. All pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff receives access to this policy and must confirm by signing the official order that all staff have read and understood the policy and procedure and are obliged to follow all legal requirements. Manager of Healthy and Safe Conditions of education and work is responsible to ensure that all members of the staff have familiarized themselves and have signed and have been informed of it. Access to the policy is also provided to new colleagues, asking them to confirm that they have read it. The first aid policy becomes part of the declaration that new teachers/ employees sign on entering the job. The declaration is provided to the teacher/ employee by a Payroll Specialist and is stored in the personal file of the teacher/ employee.
A copy of the policy is also sent to the Managers of the outsourced organisations that carry out certain activities in the school and preschool building.
A copy of the First Aid Policy is kept in the medical office and on the school’s secure servers.
Failure to observe the First Aid Policy will result in sanctions according to the provisions of the Labor Code of Bulgaria.
All records must be kept and logged into the school platform.